Significant benefits of pineapple (pinya) for hair, skin, and health

Amazing results!

Doesn’t the mere mention of pineapples remind you of Spongebob Squarepants? With its tuft of spiky, dusty green leaves, and cross-hatched, golden orange skin, the pineapple is spiny from the outside and sweet on the inside. It’s tangy and awesome, just like I like it.

So, whether it’s about making a fruit salad or choosing an ice-lolly flavor, pineapples are most definitely on my list of choices (sometimes, the favorable too). I’m sure all of you get lured by its appearance, which makes it the most favorable choice in summer prints. Don’t most of us own a distinct variation of ‘pineapple print’ T-shirt or shorts? Let me enlighten you with a fact that not many of us know – a single pineapple is, in fact, a collection of multiple fruits; each one is the fruit of an individual blossom. Surprised? Well, it’s exotic and tropical in its own way!

But this article isn’t about the fruit itself (well, not entirely), it’s about the unknown and amazing benefits it has for your skin, hair, and health – some of them include strengthening bones, improving respiratory diseases, fighting against infection, and much more.

I can see your interest getting peaked up. So, read on to know about some interesting pineapple benefits!

Benefits of Pineapple for Skin
Let’s see how we can achieve smooth and shiny skin using pineapples, which are by the way great for getting away with epidermal troubles.

1. Effective Solution For Acne
This exotic flavor is like an elixir for our skin, especially to get rid of stubborn pimples. How? Well, the presence of vitamin C (thus, the tartness) in pineapples enables this fruit to be used, internally as well as externally, as a cure for acne and other inflammatory skin conditions. Also, bromelain, the anti-inflammatory enzyme in this fruit, boosts the healing power of vitamin C. So, the next time you fall prey to acne, try using pineapples.

2. Helps Your Skin Look Younger
I consume pineapple thrice a week (depending on the season), and I can proudly state that it has a positive effect on my skin. So, all you lovely ladies who want their skin to be even and supple, include this exotic fruit in your grocery list. Want to know the scientific reason why pineapples make our skin awesome? Well, this fruit gives the collagen synthesis in your body a boost. The higher the collagen synthesis is, the firmer and more flexible your skin will be. Plus, the added nourishment comes from the presence of amino acids and vitamin C, which ensure that the damaged cells and tissues are repaired quickly. You can see instant effects after applying freshly prepared pineapple juice on your face and washing it off using tap water after 10 minutes. Do tell me how it worked for you!

3. Natural Exfoliating Agent
In order to exfoliate your skin, you can use freshly crushed pineapple wedges. This particular surface has a rough texture that eliminates the dead skin and accentuates blood flow. This, in turn, makes your skin look brighter. Isn’t it just awesome?

4. Get Rid Of Those Cracks On Your Feet
Another of the most common problems that make us depend on those commercial creams. But, pineapple skin is the most inexpensive (well, if we take off the price of pineapple), yet effective method to make them vanish. The exfoliating property of pineapple, along with its collagen synthesizing nature, makes it an excellent natural scrub for your feet. It helps in sloughing off the flaky, calloused skin of the feet, leaving them smooth, soft, and pretty. The inflammation and swelling, triggered by the cracks, also get relieved.

5. Softens And Strengthens Nails
Have you thought why your nails look dry and brittle? No? Blame vitamins A and B. The lack of them in the body is the main culprit. You do not need any over-the-counter multivitamin pills to ease this condition, though! Just use pineapple. You can even prepare a nail softening lotion at your home using pineapple juice.

You Will Need
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon fresh pineapple juice
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 drops lemon oil

What You Need To Do
Mix all the above ingredients in a bowl using a brush or a spoon.
Apply it to your nails and cuticles with the help of a cotton ball or a thin brush.
Rinse after 15 minutes.
How Often Should You Do This: You can do this treatment daily before sleeping, and see the amazing shine on your nails the next morning. Wow!

Caution: If you’re allergic to lemon juice, do not try this treatment.

6. For Hydrated, Radiant Skin
Dry skin looks dull and unattractive, doesn’t it? But the blazing summer heat and pollution do not help our cause. Pineapple to the rescue! You can now make use of this tropical fruit to give your skin that hydrated effect that we all love to achieve with multiple skin care products. How? Mix about three tablespoons of freshly crushed pineapples with an egg yolk and a little milk. Apply it topically on your skin and leave it on for a few minutes. Wash off with tepid water to get instant moisturized skin.

7. Natural Cure For Chapped Lips
Want to achieve pouty, kissable lips that are so soft and supple that you can’t help but fuss over them? Take my suggestion and use pineapple that, when used along with coconut oil, offers relief from chapped lips. Pineapple, like coconut oil, possesses skin hydrating and nourishing properties.

Benefits of Pineapple for Hair
Pineapples are amazing for hair too. Here’s how!

8. Prevents Hair Loss
Watching hundreds of hair strands flow down the drain when you shower can be really painful. But, a few dietary changes can help you prevent this troublesome hair loss. Including pineapple in your lunch/dinner routine is one such solution. Vitamin C is an important element that aids in preventing hair loss. It is a powerful antioxidant that combats free radical damage. Pineapple is a rich source of this water-soluble vitamin. Eat them as wedges or just juice them fresh and drink it to reap the benefits of vitamin C and prevent hair loss.

9. Good For Inflammatory Scalp Conditions
When your scalp feels like a battleground of itches, try pineapples for instant soothing. Bromelain is an antioxidative enzyme that possesses anti-inflammatory powers. Daily consumption of pineapple prevents and eases inflammatory conditions that affect the scalp. It also offers relief from infections of the scalp, preventing unwanted hair fall.

10. For Thicker Hair
Envious of Rapunzel’s long and thick mane? You can also achieve the Disney princess look by having pineapples. Their extracts are known to possess hair thickening properties. The enzymes present in this golden-yellow fruits enrich the hair follicles by rendering vital nutrients. This, in turn, improves the elasticity and thickness of the hair.

Benefits of Pineapples for Health
The home of Spongebob is full of health benefits owing to the correct amount of vitamins A and C, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium present in them.

11. Prevent Free Radical Damage
Pineapples are a rich source of antioxidants that help fight free radicals in the body, thereby preventing further cellular damage. These antioxidants also protect our body from diseases like atherosclerosis, heart diseases, arthritis, various cancers, etc. So, if you are looking for an escape from these conditions, do not hesitate from adapting to pineapples.

12. Prevent Colds
Nobody likes to sneeze and sniffle for most of the day. Born under the wintery skies, I’m very prone to getting cold fits even in summers, so pineapple has become my buddy. This exotic fruit is abundant in vitamin C and bromelain, which fight against microbial infections. Eating pineapples with the prescribed medicines can help cure colds and coughs effectively. Isn’t that a tastier option than swallowing up all those bitter meds?

13. Strong Bones
Wanna compete with Johnny Bravo’s or Popeye’s muscles? Add pineapples to your diet and you’ll be the proud owner of stronger bones within no time. The rich amount of manganese present in pineapples helps in strengthening bones and connective tissues. It also contains essential minerals required for a healthy and strong body.

14. Healthy Gums
Eating pineapple strengthens your gums, and keeps your teeth healthy and strong, thus giving you enough confidence to give a teethy (or gummy) smile to the camera.

15. Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is a condition in which adults lose their vision. Beta-carotene present in pineapples improves vision.

16. Anti-inflammatory Action
Pineapple fruit is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties that prevent inflammation in arthritis patients and gives strength to the bones. Get ready to run across the room with your now stronger bones!

17. Cures Sinusitis, Sore Throat, Gout, Swellings
Pineapples help prevent sinusitis. They are also effective in curing sore throat, gout, and swellings. Isn’t it just awesome?

18. Anti-Cancer Properties
Hearing the word ‘cancer’ itself brings chills to our spine, doesn’t it? Did you know that pineapples are also proven to be beneficial against all type of cancers? The abundance of antioxidants in pineapples helps fight the free radicals. This also halts the process of cell damage and prevents several types of cancers.

19. Helps Prevent Atherosclerosis
Free radicals cause atherosclerosis, which can be easily prevented by the antioxidants in pineapples.

20. Maintains Heart’s Health
How are we suppose to sing sappy love songs about heartbeats if your heart isn’t healthy enough? Go for pineapples! They have the solution for everything (well, not everything, but you got my point!). Powerful antioxidants present in pineapple help lower the cholesterol levels in the body, thereby preventing heart diseases.

21. Immunity
Vitamin C and antioxidants present in pineapples boost the immunity system of our body, leaving you all healthy and happy. So, what are you waiting for? Raise up the inner Powerpuff Girls in you!

22. Digestion
Gulping down all the tasty savories present before me is something that I can’t really control (especially when it comes to desserts), so aftermath is inevitable. But, I have got my own little hack to get rid of the stomachache – pineapples. They aren’t one of my favorite fruits for nothing. Pineapple is rich in bromelain, vitamin C, and dietary fiber that promote digestion.

23. Bronchitis
You must have noted that the anti-inflammatory properties of pineapples come in handy in treating a lot of conditions. They also help in reducing inflammation in bronchial tubes, which generally arises due to bronchitis.

24. Catarrh
Peculiar name, isn’t it? But it is a disorder in which there is inflammation of the mucus membrane in one of the airways or cavities of the body. This disorder can be prevented by eating pineapples regularly.

25. Prevents Hypertension
If you’re suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension, then you must start eating pineapples regularly (a trick I told my dad, and his BP is under control, surprisingly!). Higher amounts of potassium and lower amounts of sodium in pineapples help maintain normal blood pressure levels.

26. Treats Intestinal Worms
Pineapple contains the digestive enzyme bromelain, so a diet rich in pineapple helps clear certain intestinal parasites such as tapeworms. So, say bye-bye to all those untimely aches caused by these disgusting worms.

27. Relieves Nausea
The earlier months of pregnancy are hell (cue several pukes a day and weird food cravings). So, adopt pineapple juice that is known to avert nausea or morning sickness.

Quick And Easy Ways Of Including Pineapples In Your Daily Diet

The pretty and popular fruit can be used in a multitude of ways. Curious? Just take a look at the list, specially prepared by me!

a) Pineapple Salad
Combine diced pineapple with chopped shrimp, grated ginger, and a few drops of olive oil. Season to taste and serve this fragrant shrimp salad on a bed of romaine lettuce. It has a gourmet appearance and taste too. Try and make it for a pretty date to impress your significant other.

b) Pineapple Tart
Drizzle maple syrup on pineapple slices and boil until brown. Serve plain or with yogurt. It is so yummy that you won’t help but want more of it, trust me!

c) As a Side Dish
Chopped pineapple, grated fennel, and cashews go well together and are especially delicious as a side dish to chicken.

d) Pineapple Raita
Very very Indianized version of pineapple yogurt that is both delicious and healthy. Check out the recipe:

You Will Need
Pineapple chopped -1 cup
Yogurt whisked – 1 cup
Sugar – 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Roasted and powdered cumin seeds – 1 teaspoon
Fresh coriander leaves chopped – 1 tablespoon

How to Prepare
Take yogurt, sugar, powdered cumin seeds, and salt in a bowl.
Stir well until smooth.
Add diced pineapple to it.
Transfer the yogurt mixture to a serving dish. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped coriander leaves.
The appetizing ‘Pineapple Raita’ is ready to be devoured!

e) Other Tricks
The presence of pineapple in fruit salads increases their yumminess.
Add it in your dessert recipes.
Simply juice it up.
