Six foods you can eat after the expiration date. I found it hard to believe.

Worth knowing!

More and more, we’re trying to cut down on our household waste. We sort and recycle our waste and try to put less in the trash in order to save money. Of course, we don’t always manage it and we end up letting last week’s bread go stale or moldy. And when it gets to that point, we have no choice but to throw it out.

But without knowing it, we often throw out food that is completely edible.

It’s time we took a look at what really deserves to go in the trash.

Generally, there is a one month edibility window for all fresh dairy products after their expiration date. Yoghurt is edible up to three months after the date.

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For meat, it’s not that easy. But dried meats can be stored for up to two weeks after the expiration date.

2. Eggs

It’s preferable to keep eggs in the fridge, as this keeps them edible for roughly two weeks. If an egg white is pink or green once you get inside it, then it’s time to chuck it out.

If you are not sure, here’s how you can check: put the egg in a glass of cold water. If it stays at the bottom, then perfect, it’s fresh. If, on the other hand, it floats to the surface, it’s past its best and it’s time to get rid of it.

3. Cheese 

Cheese is basically mold. You can eat it without any problems even if it gets a little green. If that puts you off, just scrape off the green bits and eat the rest. It’s hard to believe, but cheese is even better if it’s a little bit old!

4. Honey, sugar and salt

Honey, sugar and salt are foods that can stay on your shelf for life, even for generations. They have no expiration date. For our Canadian friends, the good news is that maple syrup doesn’t expire either. You can store up plenty without having to worry about it.

5. Chocolate, rice, pasta and lentils

These foods are all edible years after the expiration date. As they are dry foods, there is no risk of mold. Chocolate is still good two years after the expiration date.

6. Canned foods

As long as the lid of the can is not bulging and its contents do not smell bad, you can eat what’s inside, everything from sardines to beans! Although, as canned food is not always the healthiest, look for fresh products or things stored in glass jars.

As a general rule, trust your nose! The smell and the taste of food should certainly add to our enjoyment when eating, but they can also provide warning signs when it comes to food that has passed its best.

And it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you smell, taste, or see green patches on your food, and you’re not sure, just don’t risk it!
