Spoiled Fawn Refuses To Leave Arms Of Brawny Worker Who Rescued Him.

I can't get over how cute this video is!!😍

We all know man’s best friend loves a good old-fashioned belly rub… but who knew the same was true for deer? Well, at least for one little fawn in particular.

A group of linemen were working on electric lines in 2014 when they came across a fawn trapped in the fall path of a tree. Not only was he in danger because of the work they were about to do, but the baby deer was also trapped in some thorns and was visibly shaken up.

To calm down the baby deer, one worker picked him up and started rubbing his belly.

And it worked.

In fact, it worked a little too well. The deer became nearly catatonic.

Each time the worker tried to put the baby deer back on the ground, he would scream. It was clear he was enjoying the attention.

The workers had a good laugh before, finally, after several attempts, releasing him to the ground.

According to the YouTube description, the baby deer followed them around like a “lost puppy” for about an hour until they noticed a doe watching from a nearby hillside.

The linemen then carried the baby to the doe, assuming it was his mother and watched them walk off together.

Please share this story to show that a nurturing hand can work wonders.
