Stop!!! Do not eat tuna ever again! This might happen to you

Pay attention!

Many people nowadays tend to have fish more on their everyday menus and most certainly the most present among all is the tuna fish.

Tuna is mostly recommended as a very healthy type of fish, but there are some things about it that we’re going to present you here and they’ll surprise you completely. Tuna is actually very harmful to eat!

Although tuna (whether it is fresh or canned) is known as an important source of proteins and omega-3 fatty acids, it is also a type of fish exposed to mercury, a poisonous mineral that can disturb the normal functioning of the organism.

Tuna contains mercury that can kill you
There is a great number of types of seafood and fish that contain high amounts of mercury or methyl, which can cause too much damage to the central nervous system, especially in the first years of life.

Although it is verified that the tuna that comes to the supermarkets, supplies and fish stores contains a very low level of mercury that could kill you, it is better to diminish it and moderate its consumption to avoid any type of illness related to the nervous system.

40 % of this poisonous mineral, which is accumulated in the meat of different fish while they’re still in the water is also contaminated industrially, which generates a progressive deterioration in the cognitive system of people.

Tuna is usually gathered of different oceans and many of them are already contaminated whether it’s radiation similar to Fukushima, for example.

Then, the intake of tuna can certainly generate the appearance of cancer in several parts of the person’s body.

This article isn’t saying that you should stop eating tuna, but try to limit the intake and avoid possible health threats in the future!
