They are filled with anti-oxidants as well as having huge amounts of beta carotene and Vitamin A and D. Look at what you can control and help, or stop, with the humble sweet potato.
The sweet potato contains natural sugar that regulates and stabilizes insulin resistance and blood sugar levels.
Immune System
We need Vitamin D for our teeth, bones, skin and hearts, as well as for the thyroid glands.
Healthy heart
Filled with potassium, the sweet potato can regulate blood sugar and balance electrolytes. They negate sodium impact and help the heart beat regularly and function well. They can prevent heart attacks and strokes as well as degenerative disease.
The sweet potato is filled with fibres preventing colon cancer and also relieving feelings of bloating and constipation.
Prevent emphysema
Smokers usually do not have enough Vitamin A and the sweet potato can help regenerate the respiratory system.
The sweet potato is rich in anti-oxidants which prevent breast cancer, boost the immune system, help with gout and arthritis, heal asthma and reduce ageing.
Strong muscles and tissues
The sweet potato helps send messages between the brain and muscles and the heart. They are filled with magnesium and potassium and relieve or stop muscle cramps, aches and pains. They work as an anti-inflammatory too.
The sweet potato is rich in iron which helps the production of red and white blood cells, fighting any iron deficiency.
Foetal development
Sweet potatoes have folic acid which all pregnant women should be consuming during pregnancy. Folic acid is vital for healthy foetal tissue.
Vitamin C
We need it for everything and the sweet potato has tons of it!
Anti stress and anxiety
Potassium is so good for anti-stress and the potato has a lot of potassium in it. The potassium also regulates water balance, normalizes oxygen flow and heartbeats and overall, helps the entire body system.
Premenstrual tension
Iron and magnesium helps and eases symptoms of PMT and will calm women and calm their moods. It also eases stomach cramps and water retention.
The sweet potato is magical. Start growing them today but in the meantime, buy from the store, eat and enjoy the benefits.