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Beets have been intriguing to scientists for a long time thanks to their unusual combination of antioxidants. They are a vegetable which aids weight loss and has powerful anti-carcinogenic properties. The combination of nutrients in beets makes them a valuable vegetable for both the general population and science as well.

The flavonoid pigments and organic nitrogen content as well as the powerful vasodilatory properties made beets a primary target to several studies. Luckily, pharmaceutical companies can’t patent a vegetable, so beets are easily accessible for treatment of numerous conditions and diseases.

Scientific research on the effect of beets on our eyesight
When examining beets, scientists have focused their attention on nitrites and how they produce nitric oxide in the body. The effects of the vegetable on retinal microvasculature was examined as well.

Although big companies such as AstraZeneca and Pfizer have led the studies, there was not enough conclusive evidence on a link between beets and human eye health.

Health benefits of beets

Improves digestion
Beets contain a lot of fiber which will improve your digestion and effectively treat numerous digestive problems.

Controls cholesterol levels
Consuming beets regularly will lower your bad (LDL) cholesterol levels and increase the levels of good (HDL) cholesterol in the body.

Cures fatigue
Thanks to the rich nitrate content, beets can relieve fatigue and reinforce your immune system.

A natural diuretic
Beets will eliminate fluids from your body when consumed regularly, which will result in cleaning of toxins and keeping your body free of diseases.

Reduces blood pressure
Beet juice will reduce your blood pressure and the risk of heart diseases as well.