Teacher Takes In Homeless Student, Then Ellen Plays Secret Video The School Recorded About Her

So touching...

Sonya Romero teaches kindergarten at Lew Wallace Elementary school in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Every day, Sonya asks if her children have eaten, if they need clothes, of if they need to comb their hair or brush their teeth – not your typical morning routine – right?! Sonya is just a caring teacher that wants to ensure her students have their basic needs met before the day starts.

One night, two of Sonya’s former students were in crisis and needed a home, it was an emergency and Sonya took them in. Eventually, she ended up being their foster mom. When Ellen DeGeneres heard about Sonya and her selflessness, she invited her on the show. Ellen showed Sonya a secret video that had been recorded by the school. In true Ellen style, that wasn’t all. Ellen herself broke down and cried.

Watch and see it all unfold in the video below

This is incredible, isn’t it? It goes to show that a little kindness and love can go a long, long way!

Share away, people.
