The Doctors Can Not Believe This Mixture Eliminates The Flaccidity In Your Stomach and Arms and Other Parts Of The Body …

Good to know!

When we grow old or even after having lost a lot of weight, we have a horrible limp in many parts of our body that we would like to disappear as easily and simply as possible.

Although the flaccidity is only skin that has lost its elasticity, what we should do is try to recover that elasticity so that the skin looks like before without much effort and without submitting to risky procedures.

Believe it or not, among the thousands of home remedies there are always solutions for everything, or at least for almost everything, and the problem of flaccidity can also be treated with this type of recipes that are totally easy and natural.

Surely you are wondering what is that wonderful recipe that will help you eliminate flaccidity and then here we are going to give it to you. Keep reading this post and find out how to prepare it correctly to get good results.

Many people to see the desperation of seeing these leathers hanging from their arms as if they were bats with open wings, well they look like, they decide to undergo plastic surgeries that although they give the results that we hope, can be quite risky for our health, you never know what can go wrong in the operation.

However, if you are not so desperate already put in the safe and natural, then this recipe is for you.


  • 1 cup of coffee
  • 3 tablets of camphor
  • 1 artichoke


-You should start by washing and boiling the artichoke in 2 cups of water at medium heat.
-After half an hour, take the artichoke to the blender and together with the water where it was boiled, we will liquefy it until you get a homogeneous paste.
-After that, add coffee and camphor and blend again until smooth mixture binds


The resulting mixture is going to be applied in the areas where you have flaccidity, either arms or abdomen and then place a cloth to isolate the heat.

Let stand for 1 hour and then remove the cloth and rinse with plenty of water.

We hope that this recipe is your help and that you manage to eliminate that flaccidity easily and without risks.
