The Healthiest Breakfast: Clean Your Body from Toxins and Lose 11 Pounds in a Month

Isn’t it simple and delicious breakfast which you can prepare it at night and enjoy the next day.

We start our day with a breakfast and try to build up the whole day energy through it. It is important to have a healthy breakfast to keep going well throughout the day.

The breakfast should be a vital source of vitamins and minerals required to boost the metabolism of the body.

Here is the idea healthiest breakfast which is highly recommended by nutritionists. It provides the strength to the body system and eliminate the toxins accumulated in the system. It flush out the impurities from the body and provides clean bowels.

This recipe will protect you from constipation, burn the fat and calories and stabilizes the body weight. You can lose 3-11 pounds of weight if you use this breakfast recipe for 30 days.

This breakfast is very beneficial for your hair, skin and nails. It rejuvenate the skin and make you look more attractive. It works amazingly to reduce the belly fat.

Things you need:

  • Oatmeal- 2 Tbsp
  • Low-Fat Yogurt- 1 Cup
  • Cocoa Powder- 1 Tsp
  • Milled Flaxseed- 1 Tsp
  • Plums- 5-7 (Fresh)


  1. You should set up this breakfast at night and eat it in the morning.
  2. Put the plums in a dish and pour around 100 ml of hot water over them. Spread the dish and allow the plums to remain over for 10 minutes. Assume another bowl and mix the oatmeal, cocoa and flaxseeds in it. After that, pour the low-fat yogurt and blend the fixings.
  3. Likewise, cut the soaked plums into little pieces and add them to the blend.
  4. Get a thick puree using the blender which you can add in the fixing of oatmeal and other ingredients which you made already.
  5. Blend every one of the fixings and store them in the icebox.
  6. At the point when the morning comes, take the dish and eat the delectable and solid breakfast. You can expect he first positive results following one week.

You might get unusual experience and an odd feeling in your guts when you consume this breakfast on the first day.

Nothing to be worried about it soon you will get used to it and in next breakfast, you will not encounter such off feeling.

So, that’s it. Isn’t it simple and delicious breakfast which you can prepare it at night and enjoy the next day.
