The miracle milk: this recipe can relieve all respiratory problems


There are many fruits, vegetables and spices that can help cure diseases, with no need for additional medicament. One of them is garlic milk!

10 cloves peeled and minced garlic
500 ml milk
250 ml water
2 or 3 tsp sugar

Put the milk and water in a saucepan, add garlic cloves and boil it in open saucepan. Heat should be moderate, stirring continuously, until mixture reduces to 1/2 quantity. After, strain the milk and add sugar. Serve hot.


Cardiac Problems
It reduces LDL cholesterols known as “bad” cholesterols, prevent formation of clots, thus enhancing circulatory system.Garlic Milk, made of skimmed or low fat milk is very effective for relieving cardiac problems.

Using only three cloves every night is excellent remedy for asthma.

Take it three times a day to help you fight pneumonia.

Curing Jaundice
Garlic helps in get rid of unwanted toxins in body, due to activating the liver enzims. Because liver needs sulphur to detoxify the body, this is a great source of sulphur, is healthy food for the liver and having amazing effect of fatty liver. Full loaded with allicin and selenium, garlic enhances bile production, which reduce fat in the liver. This milk taken 4 to 5 days helps in curing jaundice.

Mix it with tumeric to stop cough. It is easy to prepare this kind of milk. Also antibacterial properties of garlic makes it excellent remedy for cough. Honey and garlic mixed together are an excellent remedy for cough.

This drink consumed everyday is effective in reducing symptoms of arthritis – pain and inflammation.

Garlic has soothing ingredients that can help you sleep better

Tuberculosis of Lung
HHighly effective in certain diseases of the chest. This disease is receptive to numerous sulphur components in garlic. One gram of garlic, 240 ml of milk and 1 litre of water boiled together all the way until only 1/4 of the decoction remains. You should take this remedy three times a day.

Warm Garlic Milk continuously taken over a week help you reduce the Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) – cholesterol known as “bad” cholesterols and thereby increasing High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) meaning good cholesterols in the body.

Digestive Health
Garlic is an effective antiseptic and immune booster, so therefore it is good for your digestive health. It also does important effect on lymph, facilitating removal of lethal waste matter in body. Garlic also stimulates secretion of digestive juices , and has marked effects on the intestine by providing soothing relief on various forms of diarrhea.

Fantastic cure for impotence. Also consuming the boiled pieces of garlic combat infertility in both, women and men.

This recipe is the most popular cure for Sciatica nerve pain. Take this drink this milk over a period to reduce the sciatica pain effectively.
