The Natural Painkiller That Works Like Morphine That You Can Find in Your Backyard

Great plant!

People have used herbal natural remedies to treat various illnesses and injuries for millennia. Natural remedies improve the natural healing processes of the body, while commercial painkillers only soothe

According to the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, the natural healing ability of the body requires the joined work of organs and tissues, and herbs support this system by addressing underlying issues and avoiding side effects.

Wild lettuce or Lactuca virosa, which grows throughout North America and England, is one of these effective natural medicinal miracles and is one of the most potent accessible painkillers.

This biennial plant might look different in different seasons, it has yellow flowers or mature leaves.  It can grow really tall, up to almost 7 feet.

This herbal remedy has powerful sedative and pain-relieving properties.

As a sedative, it has been shown to be able to treat insomnia and relax the body, while soothing spasms and anxiety. It calms the nervous system, and relaxes the muscles, so it is especially useful in the case of:

  • Spasms and cramps
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Coughs
  • Stress-induced indigestion

On the other hand, it also effectively relieves muscle pain, menstrual cramps, as well as other irritated tissues.  It also provides numbing effects, due to which it is also known as opium lettuce, but it is not addictive or harmful. Wild lettuce can also be used as a natural antiseptic.

To use its medicinal effects, you should use its dry leaves, plucked in July and August. If you cannot find dry leaves, you can also use supplements.

You should use a 2-4ml tincture about three times daily or 1-2 teaspoons of the dried leaves steeped in boiling water for 10-15 minutes to infuse the nutrients in the water.

If applied directly to the skin, it might cause an irritation, so make sure you do a small patch test before use. It should be avoided in the case of pregnancy, glaucoma, enlarged prostate, allergy to ragweed and similar plants, or if you are preparing for a surgery.

Whenever you can, you should turn to natural remedies to treat your health issues, as a safe and effective method to improve your health.

Commercial painkillers lead to numerous side-effects, and are highly addictive, leading to an increased risk of overdose. Furthermore, many drugs, including opioids, are linked to memory loss as they cause brain damage in the struggle to soothe the pain.

The prolonged use of painkillers also quadruples the risk of ulcers. On the other hand, you should try natural remedies or acupuncture to treat pain.

One such natural remedy is wild lettuce, which quickly soothes pain, causes no side-effects, and probably already grows in your yard!
