The Noodles that Cause Chronic Inflammation, Weight Gain, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease!

The busy lifestyles these days have made people enjoy instant meals, and you might even believe that they are healthy or at least less harmful than fast foods.

Dr. B. Kuo at the Massachusetts General Hospital conducted an experiment with a pill-sized camera. He wanted to investigate the effects of instant noodles inside the stomach and the digestive tracts. However, what he found was devastating!

The noodles remained intact even after a couple of hours, meaning that it influences the absorption of nutrients, yet, these noodles do not contain nutrients, but numerous additives like TBHQ (toxic preservative tertiary butyl hydroquinone).

It will remain in the digestive system and lead to various adverse effects. It is, in fact, a byproduct of the petroleum industry and is actually a synthetic chemical with antioxidant properties, but it is not a natural antioxidant.

It inhibits the oxidations of fats and oils and prolongs the shelf life of processed foods.

It is commonly added to popular processed foods, including Taco Bell beans, Teddy Grahams, Red Baron frozen pizza, Wheat Thins crackers, McDonald’s chicken nuggets, Reese’s peanut butter cups, Kellogg’s CHEEZ-IT crackers; and much more.

It is also used in various varnishes, cosmetics, perfumes, lacquers, and pesticides.

At the Joint FAO\WHO Expert Committee on Food Additive’s nineteenth and twenty-first meetings, it has been determined safe for consumption at levels of 0 to 0.5 mg\kg of the body weight.

Depending on the food it is added to, the Codex commission has set the maximum limits to 100-400 mg\kg. According to the FDA, the additive mustn’t exceed 0.02% of it fat and oil content.

According to the A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food additives, TBHQ leads to delirium, nausea, vomiting, collapse, tinnitus, and a feeling of suffocation.

The EWG (Environmental Working Group) which is based on animal studies, reported that the prolonged exposures to this compound lead to reproductive effects, biochemical changes, liver effects, and positive results of mutation from In-vitro tests in the mammalian cells.

The Journal of Nutrition’s study discovered that women who consume these noodles have an increased risk of metabolic syndrome.

Those who consume them twice a week had a 68% increased risk of this syndrome, which involves high blood pressure, low levels of HDL cholesterol, raised fasting triglycerides, and central obesity.

The presence of more than 3 symptoms raises the risk of heart diseases and diabetes.

People who eat these instant noodles had a reduced intake of nutrients, such as iron, potassium, niacin, vitamin C, vitamin A, phosphorus, calcium and protein in comparison to those who eat ordinary noodles.

Moreover, the noodles have palm oil, wheat flour, and salt, sugar, seasoning, and monosodium glutamate.

The KFDA (Korea Food and Drug Administration) in 2012 discovered a cancer-causing substance known as Benzopyrene in 6 noodle brands from the Nong Shim Company Ltd, due to the presence of monosodium glutamate, which is an excitotoxin that overexcites the nerve cells and leading to brain damage or dysfunction or worsening or triggering learning disabilities such as Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s and more.

The free glutamic acid is the same neurotransmitter used by the eyes, nervous system, and rain to starts certain body processes. Also, MSG is used to fatten the mice for scientific studies, so avoid it in order to prevent weight gain.

Therefore, the consumption of instant noodles will lead to many health issues over time, chronic disease, weight gain, insulin resistance, chronic inflammation, and severe ailments.

They are high in artificial ingredients, refined carbohydrates, fructose and sugar and low in fiber and nutrients. We strongly advise that you avoid all kinds of processed foods, and consume only healthy foods in order to boost health and prevent health problems.
