The Proper Way And Recipe To Prepare Cinnamon Tea To Lose Weight Quickly

Try this!

As we all know, the perfect diet does not exist, but if there’s one thing that comes close enough to perfection, it’s cinnamon tea.

Did you know that it is also called “the perfect diet?

We tell you why you get this name and you will see how effective it is.

Cinnamon is a natural slimming that will help you lose weight without going crazy in a gym or diets too demanding that the only thing they generate is that you fall back into excess weight.

It is ideal to burn the fats of your hip and waist and complements these important qualities with many health benefits, such as accelerating metabolism, controlling the glycemic index so there are no low or high that alter normal rates, clean the intestines and dissolve the abdominal fat. It also influences high cholesterol levels.

Besides having all these benefits and taking advantage of all its properties, cinnamon tea is delicious.

Enjoy this wonderful drink!
– 1 liter of water.
– 1 cinnamon stick or 5 tablespoons cinnamon powder.
– Honey and slices lemon

Boil the water for 2 minutes and put out the fire. Introduce the cinnamon stick or the 5 tablespoons of the cinnamon powder and let stand 10 minutes with the covered container to preserve its flavor and aroma.

Drink 3 cups a day preferably in the morning, afternoon and evening. You can drink it hot or cold and add honey to taste.Also you can add lemon juices or slices lemon for better taste.

Pregnant or lactating women, or people suffering from a stomach ulcer should not drink this beverage because of possible uterine contraction caused by cinnamon powder or the sticks.

Thank you for taking a little of your time and reading this article that we have done specially for you with a lot of love and affection, God bless you and your family!