The real reasons behind your urinary track infection! A must-read!

You have to know it!

The urinary tract is the system responsible for removing excess water and waste. This system houses the ureters, urethra, and the kidneys. When you have urinary tract infection (UTI), your way of excreting water and waste is affected. UTIs are very common, especially in women as they have a lifetime risk of developing the infection.

You know you have UTI when you have a strong urge to urinate that occurs frequently. Whenever you pee, it is painful and there’s a burning sensation present. To be sure though, you need to submit a urine sample or you can talk about what you’re feeling with a health care provider.

What Causes Urinary Tract Infections?
UTIs often occur when microbes get past the natural defenses of the body. Most of the time, this infection is because of the bacterium known as Escherichia coli, which you may know already as E. coli. This bacterium enters the digestive system, but it also affects the urinary tract. Other bacteria can also cause UTI, including mycoplasma and chlamydia, although they don’t infect the bladder, just the urethra.

Different actions can cause the bacteria to enter the urinary tract as well. Some people are just more prone to developing urinary tract infections.

• After a bowel movement, you wipe from the back to the front. Unfortunately, this can cause germs to enter the urethra, which opens in the front part of the vagina.

• Sexual intercourse can also cause UTIs. That’s why it is always necessary to be clean (both you and your partner) all the time; otherwise, the germs that are in the vagina can go inside the urethra as they are pushed toward it.

• Holding your pee can also cause urinary tract infections. When you wait too long to urinate, the urine will stay in the bladder, which encourages the production of germs. If this turns to a habit, you could develop UTI.

• Diaphragm for controlling birth also increases your risk of developing urinary tract infection. They could also have spermicides, which are also present on condoms. Although their main purpose is to kill sperm, they could also affect the urinary tract, which could lead to UTI.

• Kidney stones could also give you urinary tract infection as they make it difficult to pass urine.

• People who have diabetes are at a greater risk as well. This is because the body is not able to fight other problems with health.

Thankfully, UTIs are easy to treat. If you think you have a UTI, have yourself examined, so the discomfort while peeing can be eliminated.
