These 17 Foods Are Filled With Magnesium And Can Decrease Your Risk Of Depression, Heart Attacks, Anxiety etc.

This list worth remembering!

One of the most important minerals for our health is the magnesium. We all need it in order to acquire good health and have organs that will work well. It is on the fourth place of the most present minerals in our body. It is used by our body to bind with human proteins and it is present in 3,750 areas like that.

More than 300 enzymes need this very important nutrient in order to acquire optimal function. They are extremely important for all our processes and we know they’re very important in order to have a proper metabolic function:

Here, we can include:

  • Creation of ATP (adenosine triphospate)
  • Good formation of teeth and bones
  • Muscle and nerve function
  • Regulated blood sugar and sensitivity to insulin
  • Relaxed blood vessels

If You Lack Magnesium, It Will Cause Serious Health Problems

If we lack magnesium in our cells it will decrease the metabolic function in our cells and when that is disturbed, we can end up with various health problems.

Some of those problems are: cardiovascular disease, anxiety and depression, fibromyalgia, sudden cardiac death, migraine headaches, and even death.

Magnesium is also necessary in order to keep up the detoxification processes of our body good, like for example how glutathione is synthesized.

Magnesium is also necessary in order to have optimized mitochondria that will prevent us from cancer and increase our energy.

Magnesium Is Very Important for Mitochondrial Health

The organelles that are inside our cells are called mitochondria. We all know that it is very important to have energy because our organs need it. That energy is called ATP and is produced by these mitochondria precisely.

According to some researches, most problems we have with our health appear because of mitochondrial dysfunction. This tells us that we must have all the nutrients in order to supply the mitochondria so that they can offer us good health, protect us from diseases and give us energy and durability.

One of the most famous mitochondrial researchers called Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D. claims that magnesium is very important for good mitochondrial health, because the oxidative capacity is dependent from the ability the mitochondria have and produce enough energy inside the cells.

What Is The Proper Dosage Of Magnesium Every Day?

In the previous century, people used to intake about 500 mg of magnesium every day from their nutrition, because they used ingredients grown in soil rich in nutrients. Nowadays, we only intake from 150 to 300 mg of magnesium every day.

According to some experts, the RDA should be 310-420 mg every day and it depends on the age and the sex of the subjects, but some other experts claim that if we want to have optimal health, we should intake 600-900 mg.

Dr. Carolyn Dean claims that we can use the intestinal reaction as a true indicator of the proper dosage. Start with 200 mg of magnesium citrate every day. Increase this dose every day gradually until you start noticing loose stools.

If you consider on taking magnesium supplements, the best choice would be magnesium threonate. It is penetrates the cell membranes very effectively, along with the barrier between our blood and brain as well as the mitochondria.

Which Are The Symptoms and Risk Factors of Magnesium Deficiency?

Magnesium is mostly present in the chlorophyll molecule, so if you or someone you know mostly eats a processed diet, he/she will probably be deficient in magnesium. If you don’t eat too many foods rich in magnesium or leafy greens, you’re not obtaining it from your food.

Magnesium can also be lost because of through prescription drug use (antibiotics, fluoride, statins), lack of sleep, alcohol consumption and stress.  Almost 50-80% of Americans lack magnesium precisely because of these factors.

Here are several of the earliest signs magnesium deficiency can cause: weakness, muscle spasms, nausea, migraines, fatigue, headaches, loss of appetite and vomiting. If you lack magnesium chronically, you can also experience problems like abnormal heart rhythms, seizures, personality changes, numbness, tingling and coronary spasms.

Which Foods Are High in Magnesium?

As we already mentioned, dark-green leafy vegetables are high in magnesium. You can eat them raw or juice them.

Here are the vegetables that include magnesium the most:
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Bok Choy
  • Swiss Chards
  • Beet Greens
  • Turnip Greens
  • Collard Greens
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Broccoli
There are also some other foods that contain plenty of magnesium:
  • Avocados
  • Raw cacao nibs and/or unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Squash
  • Fruits and berries
  • Herbs and spices (mustard seeds, cumin, fennel, parsley)
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Fatty fish

If You Use Supplements, You Must Create Balance Between Vitamin K2 and D as well as Calcium,

If you decide to take supplements, you must know how they interact among each other.

You must learn how to balance with vitamin D, magnesium, calcium and vitamin K2. When we combine them, they work perfectly, but any imbalance in them can cause the appearance of vitamin D toxicity, stroke and heart attacks.

When you combine magnesium and calcium, the best ratio would be 1:1. We need to supplement magnesium two times more than calcium, because we can get calcium from our daily nutrition more than magnesium.

Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue claims that you’ll need 100 micrograms (mcg) of K2 for each 1,000 IU’s of vitamin D you take.

You should also pay attention to your vitamin D and test its levels at least twice a week, so that you can see whether you lack it and what would be the most appropriate dosage.
