These 7 Bad Things Will Happen to Your Body When You Skip a Meal! Watch Out For #3! A Must-Read!

Important information!

There’s nothing wrong if you want to reduce your food intake as part of your weight loss and diet but never skip a meal. You can reduce your food intake or have low-calorie meals but do not skip a meal as it may cause adverse effects to your health.

Skipping a meal once or twice might be forgivable but habitual skipping may lead to the following:

#1: Hormonal Imbalance
The level of the hormone cortisol in your body will increase if you skip just one meal a day. It increases the level of insulin and causes unstable blood sugar levels too. Skipping a meal causes anxiety.

It is scientifically proven and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that women who skip a meal are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with women who have regular meals.

#2: Bad Digestion
It is best for you to have five meals a day (3 main meals and 2 snacks). If you skip a meal, your body has nothing to process, which is its basic need. It breaks down your metabolism.

#3: Heart Disease or Heart Attack
A study published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation found that men who skip breakfast are more likely to die from heart disease or have a heart attack.

#4: Weight Gain
Skipping meals is confusing for your body. In this case, the brain thinks your body needs “fuel” for normal operation and gives command your body to begin to create reserves and not spend them.

#5: Overeating
If you skip a meal, your body can no longer deal with hunger and you will just overeat. It results in stomach pain, creating excess fat and weight gaining.

#6: Makes You Tired
Skipping meals slows down your metabolism and makes you tired. Only regular meals can speed up metabolism and stimulate the body to burn more calories.

#7: Altered Thinking
It is not good for your health if the brain creates the impression that the food is not your priority at some point.

For more information on this, watch the video below.
