These Leaves Can Be So Healing! They Can Cure More Than 12 Cancer Types!

Some do not know about this plant or have never tasted it. Here we will give you all the directions you need!

Soursop leaves tea, what is it good for and how can it be prepared?

Benefits of the soursop leaf for different cancer types

Did you recommend drinking tea from guanabana leaves? It is one of the most effective anticancer agents known to date. In this article you will know what the guanabana leaf is for and why it is used against cancer. Do not miss it!

The guanabana or graviola is a plant that for decades has become famous thanks to its incredible medicinal properties, especially to cure cancer, as well as guanabana leaves to lose weight are very good. But that’s not all! The benefits of guanabana leaves are many. Do you want to know them? Find out in the following paragraphs. What is the guanábana

You may not know it by this name, but by another such as: guanábano, catuche, catoche, anona de México, graviola, anona de la India or mole. The truth is that the scientific name of the guanabana is Annona muricata. It is a plant native to tropical areas of Central and South America.

This plant, for some time has become famous for its great medicinal properties. All parts of guanabana can be used in natural medicine.

But, especially those required are guanabana leaves, since this is where most active ingredients have been found, such as the acetogenins anonáceas. These compounds, have been studied by science since 1940. Were you aware?

To the point that they have caused great astonishment among researchers because of their great healing power. Especially the guanabana against cancer, it is a very powerful remedy. Scientific evidence has shown that the properties and benefits of guanabana leaf are 10,000 times more potent than chemotherapy.

Are you interested in knowing how the guanabana works and what is it for? Take note of the following paragraphs.

What is the guanabana leaf?

The benefits of guanabana are very varied: it has properties to treat respiratory, circulatory, nervous and infectious problems. It is even considered a potential enemy of cancer and tumors in general.

-Help fight cancer
-Decreases hypertension.
-It controls asthma.
-Fight diabetes
-Corrects liver disorders.
-Eliminate tumors.
-Fight insects
-Eliminate internal parasites.
-Improves chest diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and cough, among others.
-Prevents and corrects bad circulation.
-It calms the nerves and induces sleep.
-It favors the production of breast milk.
-It eliminates bacteria and prevents them from continuing to proliferate.

Of course, what most attracts attention and for which the medicinal use of this fruit that cures cancer, has become popular, is because of its anti-cancer properties. Are you interested in knowing what science says about it?

Is it true that guanabana cures cancer?

In 1976, the National Cancer Institute of the United States conducted a study on the cure of cancer through guanabana. The results that were obtained left the researchers confused and amazed. First it was investigated that parts of the tree had more organic compounds capable of fighting cancer. It was found that the stem and soursop leaf were the ones that possessed them in greater proportion.

Later in time it would be discovered that this tree had a compound that made it ten thousand times more effective than chemotherapy: the acetogenins anonaceous. It is said that guanabana cures cancer, especially cancer of the colon, prostate, pancreas and lung cancer.

The guanabana against cancer has been scientifically proven in treatments for these types of tumors and has responded very effectively. In addition, guanabana leaves to lose weight can also be very useful. But, what is the best way to consume this plant? One of the most effective ways to do it is to prepare a tea with its leaves.

How to prepare guanabana tea for cancer
There are different ways to consume guanabana or graviola: eating the fruit directly or preparing a tea with its leaves as if you were making any infusion of herbs.


-1 liter of water
-15 soursop leaves


-Boil the water.
-Take the guanabana leaves (they can be fresh or dried, since both have the same effect) and a piece of stem cut into small pieces.
-Place the leaves and stem in hot water and boil over medium heat for 30 minutes.
-The water should be cut in half so that a well-concentrated tea is left.
-Filter the leaves and let cool.

Ready! Now, you have your guanabana leaf tea. Drink a cup of tea 3 times a day: in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. If you do not like the taste, you can add a little honey or stevia.

People who have consumed this tea say that after drinking it, it feels very hot, similar to the effects of chemotherapy, but without side effects. It is recommended that 30 minutes before and after, to drink guanabana tea for cancer, do not consume any other food.

Contraindications of guanabana leaves tea

You may have wondered if there are side effects or contraindications of guanabana leaf tea for cancer. Its consumption is safe, except in specific cases where it is better to avoid it. It is not proven to be harmful, but it is also not proven that it is safe in these cases:
People suffering from Parkinson’s and epilepsy.
During pregnancy and lactation.
