This 3-Ingredient Remedy Helps Cure Clogged Arteries, Fight Infections And Colds

Great recipe worth saving:

A naturally prepared medicine from Germany is made up of powerful healing ingredients which include ginger, lemon, garlic and water.

The three main components of this natural remedy have incredible health properties which are very beneficial to the body.

Striking Health Benefits

  • Regulation of increased blood fat levels.
  • Prevention and treatment of congestion of the arteries.
  • Prevention and treatment of infections and colds.
  • Natural immune system enhancement. Natural liver-cleansing.
  • Prevention of fatigue.
  • Prevention of free radicals in the body that cause the most serious diseases, and many other conditions associated with diseases of the heart and circulatory system.

Natural Remedy For Clogged Arteries


  • Whole large garlic bulbs – 4
  • Organic lemons with peel – 4
  • Small ginger root of 3-4 cm
  • Clean water – 2 liters


  • Wash the lemons and cut them into pieces.
  • Peel the garlic and add it with the lemons and ginger in a blender.
  • Add the blended mixture in a metal bowl.
  • Pour 2 liters of water and heat all together by stirring until the boiling point.
  • Immediately turn off the heat before the mixture boils and let everything cool down.
  • Strain through a medium strainer and fill in glass bottles.


Drink one glass every day, at least 2 hours before meals, or on an empty stomach. The combination of lemon and water neutralizes the smell of garlic. Before each drink make sure to shake the bottle well.

How Does Each Ingredient Contribute?

Garlic helps strengthen the immune system which helps prevent cold, coughs, chest and other infections. Due to its antibacterial properties, garlic is considered one of the best natural medicine against colds.

Lemons can improve the health of arteries by preventing them from getting clogged. Bad cholesterol can stick to your artery walls, decreasing blood flow and can even lead to heart attacks.

Ginger is the main ingredient responsible for removing stored fat in the blood. Consumption of ginger not only prevents but also helps remove plaque buildup.
