This Amazing Plant Can Kill 86% Of Lung Cancer Cells!

Add to your diet!

Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of death. There are more casualties of lives from this disease than colon cancer, breast cancer and pancreatic cancer, put together.

75 of 85% of lung cancer cases originate from a condition known as non-small cell lung cancer (NSCL).

One study, published in the journal “Pub Med,” stated that parsley can be used as a cure for this terrible disease, thanks to its substance apigenin which has the ability to kill cancer cells up to 86%.

Aside from parsley, other foods that contain apigenin are: celery, onion, orange, oregano, coriander, chamomile tea, artichoke and red wine.

But the apigenin in parsley is most concentrated and is therefore often recommended in fight against cancer.

The tea from parsley can be prepared on the following way:

Chop 15 grams of root from parsley into cubes and pour 200 ml previously boiled water. Place it on heater for another 5 minutes. Leave it covered to stand for 15 minutes and strain it after.

Consume 3 cups daily if you want to feel the benefits of its healing power.

In alternative medicine, parsley is considered as the best medicine as it removes sand and stones from kidneys, successfully treats urinary infections and it is a strong diuretic.

Teas from root and leaves for parsley are often recommended.
