This Amazing Recipe Removes Uric Acid From Your Joints

The results and improvements will kick in after a short period of time, so be patient.

Cucumber juice has been a hit for a long time now, thanks for its abilities to bring down body temperature and expelling accumulated uric corrosive gems from your joints.

The compounds found within the juice can successfully remove the harmful toxins from your joints, and when combined with celery and ginger, the juice soothes inflammation in any part of the body.

Believe it or not, the symptom that signifies that the juice is working properly on your body is mild pain.

The Uric Acid-Disposing Recipe:

Ingredients you will need to prepare the juice:

  • 1 slice of Lemon
  • 1 medium-sized Cucumber
  • 2 stalks of Celery
  • 1 piece of an inch-sized Ginger

Preparation and Use:

  1. Start off by cleaning the ingredients well and cutting the celery and cucumber in slices.
  2. Once done, slice half of the lemon and store the rest in the fridge for a later use.
  3. Mix the ingredients together in a blender and feel free to add a bit of water to the mixture.

The juice is incredibly delicious and tasty. It needs to be drunk once or twice a day depending on your condition.

The results and improvements will kick in after a short period of time, so be patient.
