This Homemade Pineapple Juice Is 500% More Effective Than Any Cough Syrup!

There's no need for over the counter cough #medicine when you have this recipe:

One of the most loved tropical fruits is definitely the pineapple. People have been using it for centuries. Its taste is amazing, but it’s also abundant in amazing health benefits:

  • Weight loss
  • Improved respiratory health and boosted immune system
  • Strengthened bones
  • Improved digestion
  • Reduced inflammation
  • A cure against colds and coughs

There is a component in fresh pineapples called bromelain with wonderful anti-inflammatory properties that can help us eliminate bacteria and fight any infection.

Half of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C

According to nutritionists, 1 glass of pineapple juice contains half the amount of the recommended dosage of vitamin C that we need to intake every day. It is very essential for our body. We need it to control our energy and create some vital enzymes.

An excellent source of manganese

Pineapple is abundant in manganese. This mineral helps our body absorb calcium, but it also converts the fats and carbohydrates in energy. It’s amazing for our nerves.

Bromelain is a powerful anti-inflammatory

Pineapple juice supplies our body with bromelain that helps us against irritations or inflammatory conditions like for example arthritis. Doctors from Germany especially recommend patients to intake bromelain in cases of sinus surgery.

Pineapple juice fights mucus

Coughs can be really terrible. They can cause the appearance of mucus, but pineapple juice can help us. It was confirmed by a research on patients with tuberculosis in 2010.

They were given a combo of salt, natural pineapple juice, honey and pepper. The mucus softened and they were able to eliminate it fast.

Fast treatment of coughs

There are also studies which prove that pineapple juice acts faster in the treatment of coughs than any other medicine.

Use natural pineapple juice instead of medicines!

Medicines are abundant in toxic matters. Pineapple is natural and won’t cause any side-effect. It may only give you health benefits.

Why not homemade juice?

Make sure you’re careful about the juice you buy as it can be full of sugar. You can try to find unsweetened juice.

In case you want to, you can also prepare some fresh pineapple juice at home!

Recipe for homemade pineapple juice
  • ¼ of a cup of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup of fresh pineapple juice ( make sure you juice it at home)
  • A piece of ginger (3 inches long)
  • 1 tablespoon of unprocessed honey
  • ½ a teaspoon of hot cayenne pepper

Combine all of your ingredients in a juicer. Mix well. That’s it! Consume it every day and soon, you’ll be amazed by all of the health benefits!