This is How a 1/4 Teaspoon of Himalayan Salt Fights Muscle Pain, Toxins and Belly Fat

The power of Himalayan salt.

The Himalaya mountain range stretches across Asia passing through Nepal, China, Myanmar, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, and India. Most people associate the Himalayans with the Mount Everest, the highest peak on this planet, but here is something different to think about- salt.

Once upon a time (a couple of millions of years ago) the crystallized sea salt beds, now being deep within the Himalayans, were covered by lava.

Aside from being kept it in a unspoiled environment that has been surrounded by ice and snow during the whole year, the lava is thought to have protected the salt from the modern-day pollution leading to the belief that the Himalayan Pink salt is the purest salt that can be found on Earth. It’s now hand-mined from the mountains and brought to the culinary market.

Why it’s Pink?

The many hues of pink, white and red are the indication of this salt’s rich and varying mineral and energy-rich iron content.

The Benefits of the Himalayan Salt

In the same manner that the vitamins and the minerals are perfectly packaged in vegetables and fruits due to the act that this salt has formed the minerals naturally within the sodium and they work in synergy.


Natural salts are abundant in iodine, so it doesn’t needs to be artificially added in.

Less Sodium Consumed Per Serving

The Himalayan salt is made of the same components as the table salt but as the crystal structure is larger than refined salt, and by volume- this salt, thus, has LESS sodium per 1/4 teaspoon.

Serving- since the sea salt crystals or flakes take up less room on one teaspoon than the highly refined tiny table salt grains.

Contains a Hearty 80+ Minerals and Elements

Himalayan salts are mineral packed crystals thatare formed naturally within the earth made up of 85.62% sodium chloride and 14.38% of other trace minerals including calcium, sulphate, magnesium, bromide, borate, potassium, bicarbonate, fluoride, andstrontium.

Because of these minerals the Himalayan pink salt:

  • Increases hydration
  • Creates an electrolyte balance
  • Regulates water content both inside and outside of cells
  • Balancesthe pH (alkaline/acidity) and helps to reduce acid reflux
  • Helps in proper metabolism functioning
  • Prevents muscle cramping
  • Lowers the blood pressure
  • Strengthens bones
  • Helps the intestines absorb nutrients
  • Improves circulation
  • Prevents goiters
  • Dissolves and eliminates sediment to remove toxins

It’s even said to support libido, reduce the agingsigns and detoxify the body from the heavy metals.

Pink Salt vs. Sea Salt

Even though the pink salts come from the mountains, they technically are sea salts as well. All salt comes from a salted body of water—namely, salt-water lakeorocean. However, the Himalayan salt is said to be the purest form of sea salt on Earth.

Why Table Salt is Inferior

Commercial refined salt is not only stripped of all its minerals, besides chloride and sodium but is also bleached, chemically cleanedand heated at unnecessarily high temperatures.

Also, it’s treated with anti-caking agents that prevent the salt from mixing with water in the salt container. In addition,these agents prevent dissolving within our system which leads to build up and then deposit in tissueandorgans, causing severe health problems.

Finally, the iodine that was added to salt is usually synthetic which is hard for the body to process properly.

The Many Uses of the Pink Salt

Before you start soaking up all these benefits and uses without even knowing where to buy the stuff, we have got you covered. You can use the So Well’s Himalayan Salt for anything from food to cosmetics so that you and your family reap its external and internal benefits!

Cooking and Curing

Use a pre-ground salt or grinders as any other salt.

Salt Slabs

They are used as serving platters, and they will impart an enhanced salt taste and mineral content.

Frozen: on cold desserts and even sorbets.

Chilled: decorate with fruits, vegetables, cheeseor sushi.

Heated: use the slabs to sear the vegetables, fish fillets, shrimpor thinly sliced beef or even for frying an egg.

Best of all, the Himalayan salt is naturally anti-microbial, so cleaning up requires just a quick scrub or rinse.


Use the salts in containers, as decorative crystals and sprinkled on food for presentation.


Throw in a tub some salt for a detoxifying Himalayan salt bath. The replenishing nutrients soothe sore musclesandstimulate circulation. Naturally rich in over 80 nourishing and skin-replenishing minerals, bathing with this pink bath salt is a healing and therapeutic experience for your mind and body.

Potpourri Holders and Essential Oil Diffusers

Many on-line sites are selling the beautiful home décor featuring the pink salt as very interesting crystal rocks.

Air Purification

Crystal rock lamps for air purification can be also found and sold on-line. Now you are not going to be as shocked when you reach for the salt shaker and find pink crystals staring at you!

If you are eating meat, brining should be in your bag of tools. Brining makes the meat much more juicy and succulent!

Here’s is one incredibly simple recipe for it.

Basic Low Sodium Brine For Pork and Poultry

(This will work for up to 8 lbs. of protein.)

Ingredients you need:

  • 3 ounces of sea salt
  • 1-gallon water
  • 3 ounces of sugar (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon Citrus zest (lemon, lime or orange – optional)

Instructions for preparation:

  1. Add the sugar, saltand other aromatics to a pot and bring the water to simmer until the salt and sugar have dissolved.
  2. Remove from the heat and chill before using the brine.
  3. Leave your protein brine for about 6 hours.
  4. Drain the protein, and leave it to rest and air dry in the fridge for two hours.
  5. Roast, grill or broil as you would!
