This is The Reason Why They Give Gelatin to Sick People in Hospitals: When You Find out The Reason, You’ll be Shocked!

It can improve gut integrity and digestive strength and much more!

I would like to start this article by asking you a very simple question. “Do you know what gelatin is?” I suppose many people don’t know so I will give a brief explanation about it first. Gelatin are made from a large composition of amino acids glycine and proline, substances many people fail to consume in sufficient amount. They are found in the bones, fibrous tissue and organs of animal and nowadays, no longer consume it all adequately.

Those amino acids are needed for proper growth of the skin, hair, and nail. It can also optimize the immune system and weight regulation. At least 1/3 of gelatin is made from glycine which contain anti-inflammatory properties and has been found to boost wound healing. Besides, it also has the ability to improve sleep quality.

The Big Question – Why Do Sick People in Hospital Are Given Jello?

Jello is commonly used in dietary of people who are in the hospital. What is the reason behind this? The answer is because it is considered as a “clear liquid” similar to broth, juice water and tea. Which means it is one the easiest food your body can digest. This is the reason hospital use it a lot to help the recovery process of patients, because their stomachs are unable to handle anything rich.

The stomach need to get calories that would not make the body distress. And jello is the best solution for this because it has sugar which means it can provide calories to human body. Other than the liquid diet reason, Jello can get through your system easily. When you are in the recovery process, consuming something that is easy to digest is good for your body.

Another reason why the hospital keep adding Jello into the patient’s diet is because they make it in large amount every day for people who are in liquid only diet. So they have so much left over and then give it out to all the others due to its benefit to the body.

Gelatin also enhance gastric acid secretion and restore a healthy mucosal in the stomach which in the end will improve gut integrity and digestive strength. Two most common digestive problems nowadays are low stomach acid and impaired gut barriers and those two can be solve by gelatin. Besides, it can also promote good intestinal transit and healthy bowel movement by absorbing water and helps keep fluid in the digestive tract.

Health Benefits of Gelatin

Gelatin is a source of protein – One tablespoons ow gelatin can provide you with 6 grams of protein. This is a great way to add more protein to your diet.

It improves digestion – Since gelatin bind water naturally it can helps food move through the digestive tract more easily.

Gelatin can be a treatment for food allergies and intolerances – Adding gelatin to your diet can heal the lining of your stomach and digestive tract.

It is good for your bone and joint health – Gelatin contains a huge amount of amino acids which is important to prevent the weakness and degeneration of cartilage in joints.

Gelatin can release toxins from your body – Gelatin contains glycine, an amino acid that can assists the liver in removing toxins from your system efficiently.

Gelatin can help you achieve a better hair, nails, and teeth – Gelatin contains keratin, a very strong protein found in your hair, nails, teeth and skin.

Gelatin improves the elasticity of your skin – first, you need to know that gelatin is essentially cooked down collagen. Therefore, consuming gelatin will help improve the look and feel of your skin more effectively compare to those collagen facial creams you can find over the counter.

Gelatin can boost wound healing process – Gelatin can help in the process of wound healing because it contain glycine, amino acids with a high anti-inflammatory properties.

Gelatin can help you get a better sleep – According to a recent study, gelation can help people sleep better. Even better, consuming the amino acid glycine, can also reduce drowsiness and help you get a better cognitive function.

Gelatin can help you lose some weight – Experts say that gelatin increase the production of Human Growth Hormone and speed up metabolism.

Recipe of Delicious Homemade Jelly:

  • Here are the ingredients you need:
  • 1 Cup of grape juice or fresh strawberries
  • 1 Cup orange juice (freshly squeezed)
  • 1 Cup of green tea
  • 3 Tablespoons plain gelatin
  • Honey or stevia

How to Prepare

First, you need to cook the green tea, then add some honey and stevia. After that add the plain gelatin and mix until it dissolved. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool. Then add the orange and grape juice and mix it well. Pour the mixture into a container and put it in refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Now your drink is ready to enjoy!
