This Is What Happens With Your Body If You Eat 2 Pineapple Slices A Day!

Thanks to its unique compound, pineapple helps maintain your health and prevents many diseases.

There are a lot of fruits that we can consume every day and that provide large amounts of nutrients for our health.

But today we will only talk about the pineapple, a fruit that has a very delicious taste, has properties that help the body to work better, both the digestive, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

According to the National Health Service of Great Britain, the daily dose of pineapple a day is 2 slices or 12 pieces.

Thanks to its unique compound, pineapple helps maintain your health and prevents many diseases.

So in this article we let you know what are the benefits of eating two slices of pineapple a day. Pay a lot of attention!


1. Reduce inflammation:  contains bromelain. This substance helps the body to fight against inflammations. This helps reduce swelling, pain and speed healing of wounds. In addition, it helps to get rid of damaged cells.

And as it is believed that it is able to accelerate the regeneration of connective tissue, it is applied in the healing of sports injuries: bruises, blisters and sprains.

2. Your heart will work better: the vitamin C found in pineapple protects the body from vascular problems and helps produce collagen in bones, cartilage, muscles and blood vessels.

3. You will keep your eyesight: the vitamin A found in pineapple helps preserve eyesight and the betoquerotena strengthens this action. If you consume it daily, you will reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration.

4. Your bones will be strengthened: the calcium and magnesium found in pineapple strengthen the bones. Just one cup of pineapple is enough for the body to receive 70 percent of the daily dose of manganese.

5. Prevents strokes: it contains a lot of potassium that helps reduce pressure and prevent strokes. It also prevents myocardial infarction thanks to the removal of plaque in the walls of blood vessels.

6. Keep your youth for longer: it contains a lot of manganese. This protects the body’s cells from free radicals, which destroy cells and accelerate the aging of the skin and organs.

7. It will improve your digestion: the pulp of the fruit, like its juice, helps the digestion process, relieves stomach swelling and constipation. It can help in case of ulcerative colitis or ulcers: of course, as an alternative solution and only after having consulted with your doctor.

However, as pineapple juice increases the acidity of the gastric juice, you should be careful with this fruit if you have gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
