This leaf is a blessing from god: fight insomnia, high blood pressure, sugar and blood fat

Amazing results!

There are plants that can be considered really miraculous since they produce very impressive benefits in the organism. Without a doubt, nature has every answer that our health needs, since each element has properties that seem to be specially designed for our case.

For this reason, it is relevant to know each of the properties that have certain plants, especially the most common we can get in a garden or easily in a store, as well we can get the necessary benefit and benefit our body.

In this case, we will talk about a special plant, which is often used as a spice to flavor certain foods such as chicken or pasta, it is the laurel.

As it turns out, this is not only a good seasoning, it can also benefit our body and cure some diseases.

See everything you can cure of this plant
The laurel is a plant that can be considered common, it is not very difficult to obtain and can be easily purchased in a health food store or even in the market, so it is necessary to know everything we can take advantage of it.

The most outstanding benefits that bay leaves can provide are the following:
-Weakness and low energy
-Mental lagoons
-Premenstrual symptoms
-A headache and migraine
-Sciatic nerve problems
-Skin infections
-Muscular exhaustion
-Abdominal distention and gas
-Fluid retention
-Contractures in muscles and nerves

The way to take advantage of each one of the benefits that this plant can provide is simple, you just have to start drinking a tea from these leaves in the following way:

-30 grams of laurel (dried leaves)

Boil the water and add the dried leaves, cook for a few minutes, then remove from the heat, cover the pot and let it rest until it cools. Finally, you must strain the mixture and serve. If you want you can use a natural sweetener for the taste of the tea to improve.

It is best to drink this tea in the morning fasting and at night before bed.

– The bay leaves offer us a good dose of vitamins A, C, Magnesium, Calcium, Manganese, Potassium, and Iron.

– Bay leaves soothe body pains. When you are very tired I suggest you cook 5 laurel leaves in 1 liter of water and add it to the water in the bathtub, take a bath for about 15 minutes. This relieves muscle aches and rejuvenates the body.

– Laurel Leaves are very beneficial to help with the pain of arthritis. For that, rub laurel oil on inflamed joints, and that will help reduce pain.

– Laurel Leaves have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Use a warm compress with the infusion of bay leaves to cure skin infections.

– Laurel Leaves can improve insulin sensitivity and are useful in regulating blood sugar. This makes Laurel a great herb of choice for those who deal with diabetes or simply want a little more help to keep blood sugar under control.

– Laurel Leaves help in digestion, eliminating flatulence and colic. It helps people who have stomach ulcers.

– The consumption of bay leaves in a tea can help relieve the symptoms of coughs, colds, flu or other respiratory infections. For this, take a cup of tea from bay leaves every day and apply warm compresses on the chest with an infusion of bay leaves.

– An infusion of bay leaves can also be used as a rinse on the hair to keep dandruff out of sight.

– The Laurel acts as a natural insect repellent.

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