This Woman Gives Away A Secret Recipe For The Remedy Against Lung, Breast, Pancreatic, Prostate And Colon Cancer

Doctors keep silence! But we will reveal the truth!

Cancer is one disease that is on the rise and on a global scale. This rise gas led to an increased demand for treatment, the conventional chemotherapy treatment has been exposed as been ineffective and causing more harm than good to patients. This has led to more people seeking alternative remedies to the cancer problems.

Despite being uncovered as harmful chemotherapy treatment is still in use, this is partially because it is a money spinner for large pharmaceutical corporations and even the medical field.

The problem with the conventional treatment of radiotherapy and chemotherapy is that, they destroy both good and cancerous cells, leaving the patient in a worse off state than before the treatment and exposed to numerous other opportunistic infections as their immune system is compromised.

A Natural Cancer Curing Remedy!

In Russia a scientist by the name of Cristo Mermersky has come up with a 100% natural remedy for curing cancer. This recipe has been used by a very large number of patient, running into thousands and with tremendous success rates. The amazing thing about the recipe is that the cancer is completely destroyed and never returns.

The remedy will help to destroy carcinogenic cells while boosting your immune system and cleansing your kidneys, liver and blood vessels. Your cerebral activity is also boosted and it is great for people with congenital heart problems.

Here’s what is required to make the recipe

  • Organic garlic cloves – 12
  • Organic lemon – 15
  • Organic walnuts – 400 grams
  • Wheat sprouts – 400 grams
  • Pure natural honey – 35 oz.

Preparation And Use

  • You first need to allow the wheat sprouts to germinate. You do this by placing it in a glass bowl filled with water and leaving it all night long.
  • After about 12 hours, strain the water.
  • Make sure the wheat and the walnuts are ground together.
  • You should then clean your garlic cloves.
  • Next, grind about five lemons with their peels and incorporate all the ingredients.
  • You should extract the juice from the remaining lemons and mix all the prepared mixtures until you have a smooth singular mixture.
  • Your honey should be added next, but always use a wooden spoon when adding your honey to help preserve the nutrients of the honey.
  • Refrigerate the recipe for a period of three days and it’s ready for consumption.
  • You should consume 2 tablespoons, every two hours in a day for best results.
