Toddler Gone Missing Survives Thanks To Family Dog

After a 3-year-old girl vanished into thin air, the entire community was horrified. For 15 hours rescue squads and volunteers scoured the entire area. Finally, found her lying in a frozen creek bed -- and nothing could prepare them for what they found next to her.

A toddler went missing for 15 hours and managed to survive thanks to the family dog.

In Cordes Lakes, Arizona, 3-year-old Victoria escaped into the woods and went missing for 15 hours. The girl’s family was terrified of what could have happened and search and rescue teams were sent out to find the toddler.

According to Newsiosity, Victoria had gone to find one of her family’s dogs, Rusty, but didn’t realize that he was actually inside the house. She went out with another family dog, Blue, and the pair wandered off for hours. Victoria was barefoot and had no coat on. Temperatures dipped down into the 30’s overnight, but Blue was there to keep his friend warm.

The morning after Victoria went missing, a helicopter spotted her and Blue lying in a dried-up creek bed. Rescuers noticed that Blue was keeping her warm.

When medics arrived to retrieve Victoria, they noticed that Blue was doing all that he could to protect the little girl. He wouldn’t let any strangers near her until she stood up and smiled at the medics. The two were brought to safety in the helicopter.

Victoria suffered from frostbite from being out in the cold for so long, but survived thanks in no small part to Blue.

“The dog kept her alert, warm and gave her companionship throughout a very cold night,” a spokesman for the sheriff’s office said.
