Treat Joint Pain, Tendonitis and Arthritis Using These Potent Anti-Inflamatory Juices

Great healing benefits!

People who have already suffered from tendonitis, joint pain, and arthritis-related pains are familiar with the pain they have endured. Also, they might have experiences certain difficulties in walking and doing of the daily activities. The most effective manner for treatment of the joint pain is to reduce the inflammation. Although the inflammation is a natural process, the duration and intensity of the pain will increase in case it becomes chronic.

Therefore, in today’s article we provided for you a couple of natural methods which will eliminate the terrible pain. The following three 3 juice recipes will ease the joint pains and tendonitis. They consists of only fresh veggies and fruits that are rich in powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

  1. Golden Sun Juice

Thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory features, this juice is quite useful for people suffering from tendonitis, joint pain, or any arthritis-related pain. Its ingredients contain anti-inflammatory nutrients which improve the digestion, cleanse the liver, and reduce inflammation.


  • ½ a pineapple
  • 2 bell peppers
  • 4 celery ribs
  • ½ a lemon
  • 1 ginger root


Remove the core and the skin of the pineapple. Then, deseed the bell peppers and peel the lemon. Cut all the ingredients and blend them in a juicer.

  1. Inflammation-Soothing Juice

This juice consists of only 4 ingredients. Besides being delicious, it is beneficial for soothing inflammation. Its high content of kale and vitamin K, improves blood circulation and reducing chronic inflammation.


  • ½ a pineapple
  • 10 kale leaves
  • 1 cucumber
  • ½ a lemon


Put all ingredients in the juicer and that’s it.

  1. Strawberry-Apple Delight

Strawberries are rich in antioxidants which reduce inflammation. Lime, on the other hand, boosts the nutrients within this juice.


  • 2 gala apples
  • 3 cups of strawberries
  • 1 lime


Wash the strawberries and apples. Then, peel the lime. This recipe can be prepared as a smoothie.

Tendonitis is a painful health issue. Although there are numerous topical treatments that reduce tendonitis and joint pain, the best thing you can do is to find the root cause for this problem, i.e. to reduce the inflammation.

All of the above-mentioned recipes have potent anti-inflammatory characteristics which reduce pain effectively and accelerate the healing process.

Drink up to 2 servings each day until the joint pain or tendonitis is gone completely.
