Trumps Get Standing Ovation At Midnight Mass (Video)

President Trump and First Lady Melania walked into Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve thinking people would be happy to see them. They never expected the churchgoers to do this.

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump received a standing ovation at their church on Dec. 24 (video below).

Reverend James R. Harlan escorted the Trumps from their motorcade as they arrived at the Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea in West Palm Beach, Florida — the church where the two tied the knot, reports the Daily Mail.

Footage shows cheering parishioners enthusiastically greeting the two as they arrived at the annual midnight mass service, only a five-minute drive from the president’s Mar-A-Lago resort, reports the Palm Beach Post.

As Communion was offered, many paused to say “Merry Christmas” and offer words of encouragement to the president, while one woman even thanked him.

Hundreds attended the service; many lined up two hours early to get a good seat.

The person who posted the clip said Donald Trump shook hands with everybody and told his young daughter that she was “beautiful.”

Before attending the service, the president played golf at his private club before joining his wife to field calls from children eager to know where Santa Claus was, WTOP reports.

“What would you like more than anything?” The president was overheard asking a chid from Virginia, who responded with: “Building blocks” — an answer the former real estate developer could understand.

“Building blocks,” responded the president. “That’s what I’ve always like too. I always loved building blocks.”

“Well, I predict Santa will bring you building blocks,” he added. “So many you won’t be able to use them all.”

Another child said he wanted his grandma to leave the hospital.

“So you want your grandma to get out of the hospital?” Donald Trump replied. “That’s what your wish is? That’s great. That’s better than asking for some toy or something, that’s better right?”

“Your grandma’s gonna be good, OK?” he added. “She’s gonna be good.”

The next day, the first couple released a brief video wishing Americans a “Merry Christmas.”

“In this season of joy, we spend time with our families, we renew our bonds of love and goodwill between our citizens and, most importantly, we celebrate the miracle of Christmas,” Donald Trump said, noting the story of Jesus’ birth.

“This good news is the greatest Christmas gift of all, the reason for our joy and the true source of our hope,” he added.

He also separately thanked U.S. troops abroad via a video message.

“Every American heart is thankful to you and we’re asking God to watch over you and to watch over your families,” he told members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.
