Try the Cucumber Diet and Lose 7kg in 14 Days

You'll be surprised!

This diet is a great choice for those who don’t want to be obsessed what to eat while they are on a diet. It is a very simple 10 days diet plan and only several products can be eaten during this period of time.

If you extend the diet up to 14 days, you can lose 7kg, but it still depends on the physical activity as well.

It is called a cucumber diet, because of the basic thing of the diet. That is cucumber salad that can be consumed whenever you feel hungry. It is a salad that is rich in rich in nutrition and you don’t need to worry that you will miss something from the regime.

Except the salad, the other ingredients that you’ll need for the diet are:

– 2 boiled eggs or 150gr tuna (oil drained) or 150gr roasted white meat
– 2 large boiled potatoes (steam cooked or oven cooked in oil) or 3 pieces of whole grain bread
– 500gr fresh fruit

You can drink water, coffee or tea as much as you need (without sugar), but forget about soda drinks or sweets! They are strictly prohibited, as well as alcohol. You can eat cucumber salad with the meals as much as you want, and you can also drink a cucumber shake.

Sample menu:

– 2 hard boiled eggs and cucumber salad

– 5 plums or an apple or a peach (or other seasonal fruit you prefer) with a total weight of 200gr.

– Toast or whole-grain bread and cucumber salad

– Fruit of choice (up to 300gr)
