Two Men Sentenced Four Years Jail Time For Posting Video Dragging Helpless Kitten Behind Jeep And Killing It

The two accused, 18-year-old Kyle Williams and 19-year-old Jordan Hall, were each given the maximum possible sentence of four years for animal abuse.

Last summer, a video of a kitten being violently tortured and killed was posted on Facebook. This year, the two men responsible have been sentenced to the maximum sentence for animal abuse and cruelty – four years in prison.

Image Credit: Facebook
18-year-old Kyle Williams and 19-year-old Jordan Hall from Missouri accidentally posted the video to the wrong Facebook group, the Cellulites: Salvation group, which consisted of over 40,000 people. The cat was tied to the back of a jeep and dragged for a long distance before being killed. Williams was reportedly the one who administered the deed while Hall drove the vehicle.

Image Credit: Taney County Jail

The graphic video showed the brutal image of a badly mangled and deformed kitten, whose eye had popped out of his head, and Williams posing next to it. The caption of the post was “Try to guess how I killed my cat, bet you can’t” and was posted because Williams was hoping to receive a free pizza in return for posting it. The video immediately sparked outrage as countless individuals rushed to report the incident to the authorities.

Image Credit: Taney County Jail
A resident of Omaha made a post about the video and perpetrators in order to urge others to report them, which was shared nearly 8,000 times, garnering over 1,400 comments from angered users.

Image Credit: Facebook
The Branson Police Department investigated the case and received witness testimony that the cat started out being healthy, though frightened, but within the span of five minutes was reduced to a state of near death as it was dragged behind the car. Taunts of “Dude, kill his ass” and “Keep going. Don’t stop. He’s almost dead” were heard in a conversation between the perpetrators.

Image Credit: Facebook
Both criminals will face a four-year sentence, with Williams facing an additional three years for illegal possession of a weapon for a separate incident. Share away, people.