Two Women Tell Teen Girl To Meet ‘John’, Then Uber Driver Starts Recording Nightmare


Uber driver, Keith Avila, 34, overheard a suspicious conversation and did the right thing in December 2016. Two women and a teenager, 16 years old girl, got into his car and wanted a ride to the Holiday Inn in Elk Grove in California. Keith was listening to their conversation and soon realized the women were telling the girl how to handle a man – a ‘John.’

Keith dropped the women off and called the police. Thankfully, the two women and the John were arrested and charged with pandering and pimping. The 16-year-old had been a runaway and was being used in the sex trafficking industry. The police credit Keith for being alert and making the call.

Take a look at this video

It would have been easy for Keith just to turn away and do nothing. You too can be a hero like Keith. Be alert, listen, call for help if you see or hear something suspicious.

Share away, people.