Use This Simple Trick To Clean Your Dirty White Shoes And Make Them White Again!

You will need two ingredients to make this simple trick

White shoes are really attractive, but difficult to keep clean. However, we will show you a great trick that will make you run to the nearest shop and buy your favorite white shoes, as you will no longer need to worry about them getting dirty.

You will need two ingredients to make this simple trick, white vinegar, and baking soda. Both of these are extremely effective when it comes to cleaning fabrics, and they will also remove bad odor, and keep fungi and bacteria at bay!

This is all you need to do:

You will need:

  • ¼ cup sodium bicarbonate (60g)
  • ½ cup white vinegar (125ml)
  • 1 brush


Create a foamy mixture by combining these two ingredients, and rub it on the shoes with the brush. Next, leave the paste on them for half an hour, and then wash it off with cold water.

Do not forget the shoe laces, and if they also need cleaning, you can put them in your washing machine from time to time. Yet, this trick will also clean them perfectly, and thus bring back the perfect look of your footwear!

Note that you should also put them in a washing bag, or a pillowcase.
