Warning Signs Your Body is Too Acidic and How to Quickly Alkalize It!

How to Know If Your Body is TOO Acidic

Today’s health issues of all sorts can easily be linked to one particular condition happening within the body- acidity.

Numerous studies have examined and analyzed the effect acidity has on the human organism, all concluding the consequences can be more than severe.

Body acidity is more often related to life-threatening diseases, such as cancer, and to prevent this you need to do the exact opposite which is alkalize the body.

Still, many people are unsure of whether their organism is acidic or alkalized, but there are simple ways to figure this out. From there, you can start implementing healthy habits and get your body up and running ideally again.

The most important thing to look at when acidity is concerned is the pH levels in the body. While the ideal range of pH presence is from 7.0 — 7.4, certain escalations are known to happen.

Some body parts, including the mouth, pharynx and esophagus can lean towards a slight acidity, but that is normal. This pH level is, in such cases, at 6.8. However, if the stomach’s acidity is around 1.3 in pH then it is overly acidic.

In order to keep your intestines healthy and allow the body fluids to circulate properly, you need to keep the related pH levels somewhere between 5.5 and 7.

According to Dr. Otto Warburg, cancer is mostly triggered by acidic organisms, so a proper care needs to be implemented- the sooner, the better.

When a person’s pH levels are imbalanced, many health issues can occur, including digestive tract problems, tiredness, exhaustion and others.

The pH levels actually control most operation within the body, such as the blood pressure, insulin levels and cholesterol. Furthermore, ideal pH balance would mean optimal body weight, solid immunity and overall wellbeing.

To recognize if you are, in fact, suffering from body acidity, make sure to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Confusion
  • Dysfunction of the cerebrum of the brain, that could lead to coma if left unhandled
  • Exhaustion and tiredness
  • Flapping tremor
  • Headaches
  • Sleepiness
  • Tremors

However, with today’s medical progress, checking in with your pH levels is much more easier. To do so, all you need is litmus strips, easily found in local pharmacies and a little self-control.

The thing is, you will need to analyze your urine and saliva on daily basis and compare end results after.

When saliva is concerned, the number should vary between 7 and 7.4 throughout the day.

On the other hand, morning urine should have levels between 6 and 6.5.

The body’s alkalization is a persistent and thorny path you’ll need to take, but radical changes mean overall improvement of this diagnosis. Even more so, you might be obliged to take alkaline minerals, such as cesium chloride, germanium, rubidium and others.

Furthermore, you need to increase your intake of organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. All these help the body alkalize faster.

Also, being acidic in flavor doesn’t necessarily mean bad for the body. Such is the case with lemons and limes, which are citric in flavor but are actually much recommended for alkalizing the organism.

Prepare yourself lemon water to drink every morning and enjoy seeing your body changing one step at a time.

Finally, avoid stress as much as possible. Make sure you get enough rest during the day and throughout the night, to avoid causing organism imbalance and incoordination which may cause acidity.
