We Should All Know These 10 Things About Our Blood Type!

Good to know

All people belong to some of the blood types, A, B, AB, or O, which is determined from birth.

Experts claim that every blood type has its own properties, shared by its members. This is a review of the most important characteristics of blood types:

Blood type and offspring

About 85% of people are Rh positive. Yet, if the woman is Rh negative and the man who she conceives with is Rh positive, there is an increased risk that their child will develop some health issue.

Blood type and illnesses

Depending on the health issue or condition, every single blood type can be less or more susceptible to it so you should find out your own risks and try to reduce them.

Blood type and nutrition

You should know your blood type in order to know the foods which are beneficial for your health, and which ones to avoid. Therefore, blood type A individuals should focus on eating more vegetables.

For the people with blood type O is recommended consume more proteins in the form of fish and meat, and the ones with AB blood type should focus on lean meat and seafood. Finally, those ones who belong to the type B should consume more red meat.

Blood antigens

Blood antigens can be present in the blood, digestive tract, lungs, and nostrils, in the mouth and the colon.

Blood type and stress

Individuals with blood type O need more time to relax after a stressful situation than others.

Blood type and weight problems

The blood type can also determine if one will have a belly fat or not, as blood type, 0 people are more susceptible to it, and with blood type A do not suffer from such issues in general.

Blood type and pregnancy

The women who belong to the blood type AB conceive much easier than others, as they have a reduced production of follicle- stimulating hormone.

Blood type and emergencies

In case you ever need a blood transfusion, you should have in mind that people with O RH negative are universal donors and people with blood type AB are universal recipients so you need to know this to save the valuable time in emergency cases.
