What Are The Benefits Of Omega 3

It is one of the essential acids for our body!

One of the essential acids for our body is omega 3. It is a nutrient that the body can not synthesize on its own, so it must be included in the diet through various foods and food supplements. If something stands out omega 3 is for its beneficial effects, from the protection against cardiovascular diseases to the hydration of the skin through the improvement of memory, concentration and cognitive function. Discover in unCOMO what are the benefits of omega 3 and the best way to consume it.

What is omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat essential for our body, since it can not produce it by itself. For this reason, it is important that omega 3 is acquired through a healthy and balanced diet , rich in foods with high content of this essential acid and through dietary supplements, such as the one you can see in the image, that allow the body to acquire the dose necessary to cover basic functions.

Although it is known for its many beneficial effects on health, the main virtue of omega 3 is to dilute the blood, making it difficult to form clots, ensuring proper circulation and preventing the onset of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, omega 3 is one of the most important nutrients that must be incorporated into our diet.

Benefits of omega 3

Why are essential omega 3 fatty acids needed? Mainly, because its effect is beneficial for our health, in multiple areas. Know them:

Protection of the heart
The omega 3 is able to protect the good functioning of the heart, so it prevents cardiovascular system affections. Its consumption is recommended both for the prevention and for the treatment and recovery of this type of pathologies. Thanks to its beneficial power, omega 3 will help reduce blood sugar levels , lipids, blood pressure and blood coagulation, improving the proper functioning of blood flow. It also helps reduce the risk of developing thrombosis.

Cellular aging
Incorporating omega 3 into the diet not only helps protect your heart, but also the genetic information of your cells. Thanks to these fatty acids, you can delay cell aging and, thus, reduce the risk of developing senile dementia.

Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders
It is common for many people to suffer attention deficit and concentration, especially children. Thanks to the consumption of omega 3, concentration problems can be reduced and the diagnosed disorder can be alleviated. These essential acids help improve cognitive function.

Eye health
Macular degeneration is a disease that has no cure, in which patients suffer a progressive loss of vision to blindness. This pathology is related to chronic inflammation and stress and it has been shown that the consumption of omega 3 dietary supplements, as well as foods rich in these essential acids, can delay the degenerative process and contribute to eye health improving the vision of those who take those supplements.

Insomnia is one of the most frequent problems of recent years. The state of mind, the low level of energy or the lack of concentration can be some problems tied to this condition. The consumption of omega 3 facilitates the conciliation of sleep and favors the quality of rest.

Reduction of inflammation
Inflammation is a body mechanism that helps the body heal and fight against viruses, bacteria, infections and injuries. However, sometimes the immune system can develop, by mistake, inflammatory responses when there is no specific threat. In this sense, omega 3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation and restore normal functioning of the metabolism while strengthening the immune system.

How to consume omega 3
If you want to improve the health of your body, strengthen the immune system and ensure the proper functioning of your metabolism, you must add omega 3 fatty acids to your diet. To do this, you should only pay attention to the main dietary sources of omega 3 and consume daily omega 3 dietary supplements, a solution that will allow you to balance and reach the right amount.

The main sources of omega 3 are:

  • Animal origin: fish oils, fish such as salmon, tuna or anchovies and seafood.
  • Vegetable origin: vegetable oils such as olive, walnut or linseed, chia seeds, algae, legumes such as chickpeas, lentils or soy, vegetables such as lettuce and spinach or fruits like strawberries and avocado.
  • The food supplements containing omega 3 – containing fatty acids EPA and DHA in their natural form. You can find them available in two ways: naturally (triglycerides) or synthetically (ethyl esters). Taking omega 3 supplements will help you acquire the exceptional qualities of this acid grade quickly and safely.
