What They Saw Slithering Up The Toilet Was Only The Beginning Of Their Nightmare

NO. THANK. YOU. I'd rather burn my house down.

WARNING: This story is not for the faint of heart. (I.E. if you hate snakes, this will surely be your nightmare.)

A family in Texas found out last week that they were not the sole occupants of their house. One of the family members was in the bathroom when they noticed something slithering out of the toilet.


After a probably large amount of screaming, the family called Big Country Snake removal to deal with their visitor. Rattlesnakes are one of four poisonous types of snakes in North Texas, so they made the right call to bring in the professionals.

But when Big Country Snake Removal showed up, they noticed something horrifying…

There was evidence of MULTIPLE rattlesnakes living in the home, not just the toilet dweller.

The inspector wrote about the experience on the company Facebook page, saying “When I arrived, I immediately noticed a few problematic areas. Intuition took me directly to a storm cellar where I safely removed 13 adult rattlesnakes. After a thorough perimeter check, I crawled underneath the house where I removed another 10, 5 being babies…. 24 snakes total, (including the toilet snake) and the family had no idea….”


That sounds like the plot of a Samuel L. Jackson movie, honestly.

The inspector didn’t seem too phased by the whole situation, saying, “How is this possible? It’s actually quite simple; rattlesnake are secretive and can be very cryptic- They rely heavily on their camouflage. This is simply how they survive. Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there….”

Big Country Snake Removal is encouraging everyone to get snake inspections, and are even offering discounts on their services through the month of February.

Personally, if this was my house, I’d move. Or hire a snake inspector to be on duty 24/7.