Why Ketogenic Diet is the Healthiest Diet. It Kills Cancer, Treats Depression, Migraines, and Autism

Doctors Don’t Like This Diet Because it Kills Cancer, Treats Depression, Migraines, and Autism

A great number of studies suggest that nutritional ketosis can be of significant help for treating various health problems, including obesity. Following this diet will shift the metabolic engine of your body from burning carbohydrates to burning fats 

A ketogenic diet includes 50-70% beneficial fats, including organic pastured eggs, coconut oil, grass-pastured butter, avocado, and raw nuts such as macadamia nuts and pecans.

The carbs are very low, so your body is able to burn fat for energy. In other words, there is little sugar in your system blocking the body from utilizing fat in favor of burning sugar. Moreover, the body produces ketones, made from fats processed in the liver. 

Health Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet  

  • Leads to Weight Loss 

You can effectively lose weight by cutting curbs. On a ketogenic diet, fat consumption is increased, protein is moderate and dietary carbohydrates are kept very low. This encourages our body to remember how to rely on fat as the main fuel to produce ketones from stored body fat. 

  • Fights Cancer 

Sugar feeds tumors and encourages cancer growth. Because of this, a diet that does not contain sugar and other carbohydrates can effectively fight and prevent cancer. The regular cells in our body can use fat for energy, but cancer cells can’t metabolically shift to use fat.

It is scientifically shown that ketogenic diet provides promising results for gastric, colon and prostate cancers. Ketone bodies change the availability of energy processes in cancer cells, thus preventing cancer.  

  • Protects your brain 

The low-carb, high-fat diet has been associated with treating other neurological disorders. According to a study, the ketogenic diet can reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Parkinson’s patients who had a 4-to-1 diet experienced a 43% improvement in their symptoms after one month.

It is scientifically shown that ketogenic diet is very beneficial for autism as well. It has been shown that autistic children experienced improvement after following a cyclical ketogenic diet for 6 months. 
