Why women in China don’t get breast cancer

Did you know it?

Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and numerous women fight this battle with it on a daily basis.

One of these women was the famous Professor Jane Plant. This woman, a devoted wife, a mother, and widely respected scientist, was also made a CBE for her work in geochemistry.

Yet, at the age of 42, in 1987, she was diagnosed with this cancer. Fortunately, she decided to fight instead of giving up, and this resulted in the creation of a revolutionary diet and lifestyle program that saved her life.

Her husband, who is a scientist too, together with a team of experts, found the reason why Chinese people don’t get breast cancer, and she used these findings to win her own battle.

She explains her miraculous method with the goal to help all women who suffer from breast cancer.

She explained in details the way she managed to treat cancer and restore her health. She says that she wondered why Chinese women do not develop breast cancer, so she, together with her husband, blended their scientific backgrounds and tried to understand it logically.

Eventually, they came to the percentage of fats in diets. Back in the 1980s, fat made up only l4% of calories in the average Chinese diet, while the Western diet included 36% fats.

However, Jane ate a low-fat diet before she developed breast cancer, so she somehow knew that was not the cause of it all.

One day, as they were working together, one of them got a brilliant idea that the Chinese people do not consume dairy products! This made them think about all their friends who are intolerant to milk and all their Chinese friends who believe milk is for babies only.

Actually, they did not have an acquaintance or a friend from China who gave or cow products to their babies.

She also remembered when she entertained a big Chinese delegation of scientists after the ending of the Cultural Revolution, and the caterer provided a pudding with lots of ice cream as a dessert, and all the Chinese politely refused it.

Milk was the root cause of most allergies, and 70% of the world’s population cannot digest the milk sugar, lactose. Moreover, Jane remembered that she consumed lots of dairy products before she was diagnosed with cancer, and it was her main protein source.

She also ate lean minced beef, as well as organic yogurts during the chemotherapy to help digestion and stimulate the development of ‘good’ bacteria in the gut.

Moreover, the findings of Dr. Daniel Cramer of Harvard University that there is a link between dairy and ovarian cancer, made her decide to completely avoid these produce.

Yet, she also found that numerous products which we use daily, like cakes, soy, biscuits, commercial soups, olive and sunflower oil margarine, include dairy produce in some form.

At this time, Jane was suffering from the fifth cancerous lump with calipers and was undergoing a chemo. Yet, it gave no positive effects, and the lump remained in the same size.

Therefore, as soon as Jane stopped consuming dairy, the lump in the neck started to itch, and shrink in size after 2 weeks.

After 6 weeks, she started meditation for an hour every day and somehow felt that the lump is gone. She visited her cancer specialist at Charing Cross Hospital in London after three days, and she confirmed that it was no longer there.

Nowadays, Jane enjoys her well-being and health and claims that even though some are skeptical, she is sure the link between dairy produce and breast cancer is the same as the link between smoking and lung cancer.

She is convinced that her discovery helped her cure breast cancer, and she is a living proof of it.

In the video below, Jane shares her experience with breast cancer, and the use of the Chinese method that saved her life. Make sure you watch it out in order to learn from her experience:
