You do not need a cure for diabetes, do it by yourself!

Great healing benefits!

The number of diabetic patients is gradually increasing in the world due to unhealthy diet and fast lifestyle. However, fortunately, you can control diabetes in early stages to avoid the further health complication.

Diabetes is not actually the life threatening disease, but there are many painful difficulties the patients has to face.

For a diabetic patient, it is important to maintain normal sugar level to ensure the normal functioning of different organs in the body.

Medication, healthy food, and traditional remedies can help to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of diabetes.

Here is a natural remedy which will help you to control diabetes in early stages.

Things you need:

  • Celery root- 300 grams
  • Lemons- 6


  1. Take the celery roots and clean it properly.
  2. Grate the roots and put it in a enameled bowl.
  3. Now, take out juice from 6 lemons and keep it aside.
  4. Add lemon juice to the grated celery root.
  5. Cover the bowl and place it in another big bowl with water in it.
  6. Now, start heating the big bowl on high until the water in the bowl starts to boil.
  7. Once the water starts boiling, reduce the flame and let it simmer for 2 hours on low temperature.
  8. Remove the bowl from the heat and let it remain closed until it completely cools down.
  9. Pour the solution in a glass jar once it cool and place it in the refrigerator.
  10. Drink 1 tbsp of this solution every day in the morning on an empty stomach just 30 minutes before your breakfast.
  11. Continue the remedy for 2 months and your blood sugar level will be normalized.

So, begin the natural treatment from today to keep diabetes at the bay!
