You Probably Have This in Your Garden But You Didn’t Know it Can Cure Baldness and Rheumatism!

It will save you!

Rosemary was quite popular back in ancient Greece. Moreover, Greeks dedicated the plant ant its power to the goddess Aphrodite. The woody herb is still popular today, both as a spice and natural remedy.

The latest research has shown that rosemary prevents premature aging and acts as a potent antioxidant. It is packed with flavonoids, compounds that stimulate blood flow in tissues, strengthen blood vessels, and improve circulation. This means that rosemary works great in the treatment of headaches, it improves memory and stimulates hair growth.

Rosemary is also great for the digestive system, and it is a common remedy for constipation, stomach cramps, indigestion, and malabsorption of essential nutrients in the intestines. Science has proven that rosemary extract stimulates the secretion of bile, and this plays an important role in the digestion of fats.

A group of scientists conducted a study in 1995, and they focused the main subject on rosemary and its properties. It turned out that the herb is an excellent diuretic, which makes it great liver detoxifier. It is also a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent. This is of essential importance for those who deal with infections of the ear, nose, throat, and bronchitis.

Rosemary also treats fatigue and relieves muscle pain, rheumatism and sciatica. If you use rosemary essential oil topically, make sure you combine it with neutral oil. Sunflower oil works well for this purpose. Apply the oil on the affected area. Rosemary tea is a nice way to enrich your bath, as it relieves the symptoms of rheumatism.

Rosemary extract improves blood flow in the scalp area, and thus prevents baldness and dandruff.

However, it is not recommended for children, and expecting or nursing moms should add only a tiny bit to their dishes.

Rosemary blooms twice a year, in April and September. It is a shrubby herb, and it can reach up to 1-3 meters in height. The herb grows well in warm places and sandy soil, safe from wind. Make sure you keep it worm during cold winter months. Pick up the flowers once they flower fully, and the leaves can be harvested throughout the entire year.


Rosemary tincture relieves rheumatism symptoms. You need 100 ml of alcohol and 20 grams of rosemary. Let the herb soak in the alcohol for 10 days, and strain the tincture. Take 15-20 drops, and you may want to dissolve them in a glass of water. You can also use the tincture to improve your circulation or treat rheumatism.

Rosemary tea is great for those who deal with stubborn headaches. Both the flowers and the leaves can be used for this purpose. Drink a cup of warm rosemary tea to treat colds, tension, stomach cramps, and headaches. Add a teaspoon of fresh or dried rosemary leaves to a cup of boiling water, and let it steep for 15 minutes. Drink 2 cups of your tea a day, and make sure you do not drink it before you go to bed.

Inhale rosemary tea vapors to deal with depression easily. This treatment relaxes your muscles, and thus relieves menstrual cramps and digestive disturbance.

Rosemary wine improves circulation. Add 2 tablespoons of rosemary leaves and flowers to a liter of white wine. Let it rest for 6 days, and strain the wine. Drink a brandy cup of your rosemary wine before you eat or drink anything. This will stimulate your circulation, relieve urinary problems, soothe your heart, and relieve joint inflammation, rheumatism, and gout.

Rosemary hair growth serum

Combine 50 ml of sweet almond oil, 8 drops of rosemary essential oil, 6 drops of lavender essential oil and 3 drops of clary sage essential oil. And that is your serum ready for use! Apply it onto your scalp, and along the hair shafts. Brush your hair to spread the serum evenly. Use it every other day, after you take your regular shower. This serum will stimulate your hair growth, and your hair will smell like heaven.

Rosemary essential oil overnight treatment

Combine 2 tablespoons of organic cold pressed coconut oil, a teaspoon of honey and 3 drops of rosemary essential oil. Apply he resulting mixture onto our scalp, hair shafts and ends. Wrap your hair into a bun and put on a shower cap. Protect your pillow with an old towel, and enjoy your sleeping while your hair experiences a miracle. Coconut oil prevents hair loss, honey nourishes and hydrates hair, and rosemary oil stimulates hair growth. Wash your hair in the morning, and have fun being amazed with your pretty hair.

Source: My Central Health