You Think You’re Fat! NO, Your Belly Is Bloated And This Is How To Get Rid Of It!

Good to know!

The main cause for bloated stomach, is a built-up gas in the digestive system that makes the stomach protrude out-uncomfortably. The stomach is bloated and you feel full. It’s a very common problem that usually happens after a heavy meal, even though, there are also people who feel like this all the time.

 These are the reasons why this happens:

-Not enough water intake! Many health problems occur when you don’t consume enough water on a daily basis. It usually happens when you drink alcohol or coffee. If you don’t consume water, the organism starts to use the liquids that are already in the body and for that reason the bloating can be caused by the fluid retention. So, start with consuming lots of water.

-Other usual reason is constipation. If you suffer from it, you have to add more fiber in your daily diet to get rid of the bloating and speed up the process. You shouldn’t consume too much off it, instead, take small amounts of fiber, because you can make it even worse. Make sure you eat more berries, drink a lot of smoothies and replace the white bread with whole grain bread.

-Stress can be also a reason for bloated stomach. It is probably because when the organism is stressed, the brain is preventing the digestive system from proper functioning. It can also be bloated by stomach ache and constipation. You’ll solve the problem when you will get rid of the stress.

-It can also happen if you don’t chew the food properly and you eat your food too fast. It’s very significant to take smaller bites.

-Carbs are the last on this list. If you consume too much carbs, bloating can occur and for that reason you should eat low-carb food and replace the alcohol and sugar with fruit and vegetables.

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