You Will Never Throw Away Lemon Peels Again – Here is How You Can Use to Improve Your Health!

Here is how to use lemon peels to improve your health

After juicing a lemon, lemon peels usually end up in a trash can. In this article we will cover their nutrient content and some of their benefits.

You can also read something more about the ways in which lemon peels are used in preventing and treating different health problems.

Lemon peel contains 5-10 times more vitamins than the juice itself, including vitamins C, A, beta-caroten, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

The peel contains ingredients that have shown to be important in the fight against cancer cells in human body. Salvestrol Q40 is essential in the fight against early stage cancer cells, especially in cases of breast, colon and skin cancer.

Lemon peel is loaded with vitamins C and P (flavonoids) whose combination cleanses blood vessels and decreases LDL cholesterol and blood pressure. The peel prevents osteoporosis and strengthens bones.

Lemon peel juice:

Thorougly wash 2 lemons. After you squeeze out the juice, chop the peel finely. Pour in 2-3dl warm water and let it rest for 12 hours. Drink two tablespoons of this juice every three hours, and before and after every meal (also 2 tbsp).

Once you finish the dose, make another one and repeat the procedure. This recipe is ideal for atherosclerosis, cholesterol and hypertension, due to its high vitamin P content. In combination with vitamin C, this vitamins cleanse blood vessels and strengthens blood stream.

Lemon peel – Consuming

The best way to consume lemon rind is the following:

Wash your lemons well, and then, freeze them. While cooking your meals, shred some of the peel over your salads, soups, fish dishes, steas and many other meals. Nutritionists recommend adding some shredded lemon peel in warm tea.

Make sure you let it release its juices in your tea before you drink it. This will give your food and drinks a refreshing flavor, and what is more important, a large amount of vitamins and anticancer elements to stregthen the protection against cancer and cardiovasculas diseases.

You can also shred some fresh lemon in your dishes or drinks, but unlike frozen, it will not last for long.

Always buy organic lemons. If you cannot find any, make sure you wash them well or you can even soak them in apple cider vinegas solution for 10-15 minutes before using the peel to remove any dirt and chemicals. Here you can find some tips on how to clean fruit from chemicals.
