Your Doctor Will Ask For This Recipe: Beverage That Kills Cholesterol And Fats

Great remedy!

Parsley is made up of two thoroughly useful ingredients, one is essential oil and the other is flavonoids. The oil provides the strong aroma while the flavonoids is what fights against dangerous compounds and toxins.

When mixed with lemon juice, parsley not only stimulates circulation but also reduces the amount of cholesterol in your body. This mixture has helped some people recover with so much speed that they physicians were surprised.


  • 1.5 Litters of Water
  • 3 Parsley Stalks (Medium size)
  • 2.2 lbs of Lemon
  • Tiny amounts of Baking Soda


  • Use Baking Soda to wash the lemons
  • Allow the lemons to soak in cold water for an hour
  • Heat the water until it boils and then leave it to cool
  • When the water cools, chop the lemons and parsley and put them in it
  • Cover the mixture and store in a refrigerator for a day
  • After 24 hours, blend the mixture properly in a blender


Use 10 ml of this mixture daily and store in a refrigerator
