You’ve Been Throwing Away Avocado Seeds Because You Didn’t Know That They Fight Cancer And Regulate Thyroid Disorder!

Great healing benefits.

We all love avocados, and we all make the same mistake – discarding the pit. Avocado pits contain more nutrients then the fruit itself.

Antioxidants are more concentrated in the pits. Nutritionists say that over 70% of all antioxidants contained in avocados are found in the pits.

Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats, and the pits contain amino acids. These prevent heart attack and stroke.

Nutrients in avocado pits regulate cholesterol levels, relieve inflammation and reduce swellings in the digestive tract. Do you know that the pit is an excellent immunity booster?

Flavonol prevents colds and fly. Catechins and procyanidins act as strong anti-inflammatories. They reduce swellings, stiffness and joint pain.

Latest research suggests that avocado pits may hide the cure for cancer. A peer-reviewed study published in the Cancer Research journal suggests that avocation B in avocado pit extract prevents the development of acute myeloid leukemia cells.

Avocado pit promote healthy weight loss.

Here are some other benefits of avocado pits:

  • Prevent epilepsy attacks
  • Treat thyroid disorders
  • Stimulate the production of collagen
  • Relieve diarrhea
  • Treat blemishes
  • Soothe and relax muscles when applied topically
  • Inhibit tumor growth

Use avocado pits to bring your health at an optimal level. You may think that these pits are nothing but waste, it’s time to think again. Watch the video below, as we have provided a few handy tricks on how to eat your avocado pits.
